#### [AN ECLECTIC LIBRARY](index.html).
Architectural Terra Cotta
Catalogues, usually illustrated, from firms supplying structural and decorative terra cotta to the building trade.
> In this country Architectural Terra Cotta was first manufactured shortly after 1870. Its improvement has been rapid. First used only for the ornament of a building and in the red and buff colors, it soon reached a point of structural efficiency that made it of great practical use. The successful development of the first glazes less than twenty years ago gave great impetus to further advance, tor with the principle of Terra Cotta glazes understood the matter of developing various colors was comparatively simple. Today almost any color can be produced.
> So in modern Architectural Terra Cotta we have a thoroughly practical structural material and one that is susceptible to treatment in any one color or any combination of soft or brilliant colors. Add to this the possibility of flexible modeling in a plastic state before burning, the fact that it is fireproof and economical to manufacture and erect, and the very general use of Architectural Terra Cotta is easily understood.
##### —“The Making of Terra Cotta” in [*Store Fronts in Terra Cotta*](https://archive.org/details/storefrontsinter00nati/) from the National Terra Cotta Society, 1916.
### Atlantic Terra Cotta.
The Atlantic Terra Cotta Company claimed to be the “largest manufacturers of terra cotta in the world.” In addition to catalogues and brochures, the company published a monthly twelve-page magazine with illustrations of historic buildings, current buildings, and other works in terra cotta.
*Atlantic Terra Cotta.* Published monthly for architects. New York: Atlantic Terra Cotta Company.
> [July, 1914, and October, 1914](https://archive.org/details/atlantic-terra-cotta-vol-i-no-9-12.-22/).
> [April, 1916](https://archive.org/details/atlantic-terra-cotta-vol-iii-no-6-april-19160001).
> [January, 1917](https://archive.org/details/atlantic-terra-cotta-1917-a/).
> [February, April, and May, 1917](https://archive.org/details/atlantic-terra-cotta-vol-iv-36).
> [May, 1922, to April, 1923](https://archive.org/details/atlantic-terra-cotta-vol-5-1922-238/).
> [May, 1923, to May, 1924](https://archive.org/details/atlantic-terra-cotta-vol-6-1923-199/).
> [June, 1924, to May, 1925](https://archive.org/details/atlantic-terra-cotta-vol-9-1927-280/).
> [October, 1925, to March, 1927](https://archive.org/details/atlantic-terra-cotta-vol-8-1925-216/).
> [April, 1927, to March, 1929](https://archive.org/details/atlantic-terra-cotta-vol-9-1927-280/).
> [November, 1932](https://archive.org/details/atlantic-terra-cotta-vol-11-1932-26/).
[*Atlantic Terra Cotta Stock Designs*](https://archive.org/details/atlantic-terra-cotta-stock-designs-19250001/). New York: Atlantic Terra Cotta Company, 1925.
*Chimney Pots.*
> [*Chimney Pots of Atlantic Terra Cotta*](https://archive.org/details/ChimneyPotsOfAtlanticTerraCotta/). 1925.
> [*Chimney Pots*](https://archive.org/details/chimneypotsofatl00atla_0). Atlantic Terra Cotta Company. 1927.
> [*Chimney Pots*](https://archive.org/details/chimneypotsofatl00atla). Atlantic Terra Cotta. 1933.
[*Supplement No. 1—Recent Installations of Atlantic Terra Cotta Wall Units*](https://archive.org/details/WallUnitsOfAtlanticTerraCotta/). 1931.
### Other Companies and Trade Organizations.
[*Store Fronts in Terra Cotta*](https://archive.org/details/storefrontsinter00nati/). New York: National Terra Cotta Society, 1916.
[*Architectural Terra Cotta Brochure Series, Volume Three: The Store*](https://archive.org/details/architectural-terra-cotta-stores-1920-a/). New York: National Terra Cotta Society, 1920. —Includes some of the pictures from the 1916 book above.
[*Color in Architecture*](https://archive.org/details/ColorInArchitecture/): The Basic Principles of Its Application in Available Mediums. By F. S. Laurence, Executive Secretary, National Terra Cotta Society. National Terra Cotta Society, \[1922]. —Reprinted from *The American Architect and Architectural Review.* Some illustrations in color.
[*Store-Fronts in Architectural Terra Cotta*](https://archive.org/details/NewJerseyTerraCottaCoStoreFrontsinArchitectural0001/). New York: New Jersey Terra Cotta Company, 1924.
[*Midland Terra Cotta Company*](https://archive.org/details/midland-terra-cotta-1920s-a/), Chicago, Illinois, 1925. —Filled with architectural drawings and depictions of stock pieces.
[*The Northwestern Terra Cotta Company*](https://archive.org/details/nw-terra-cotta-c-1920/), Chicago, \[1925]. —Many photographs of buildings and stock pieces.
[*Corning Terra Cotta Company*](https://archive.org/details/corning-terra-cotta-1930-a/), Corning (New York), \[1930]. —Includes [photographs of the Morrowfield Apartments](https://archive.org/details/corning-terra-cotta-1930-a/page/6/mode/2up) in Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh.
[*Terra Cotta for Exterior and Interior Use*](https://archive.org/details/american-terra-cotta-1935-a/). American Terra Cotta Corporation, about 1939. —A poorly scanned four-page brochure that includes a picture of the interior of Buhl Planetarium in Pittsburgh. Dated 1935 by the librarian, but Buhl Planetarium was built in 1939.
[*Handbook: Standardized Glazed Brick & Tile*](https://archive.org/details/Sweets1746HandbookOfStandardizedGlazedBrickAndTileByTheGlazedBrickAndTileInstitute/). Washington, D. C.: Glazed Brick & Tile Institute, \[1938].
[*Federal Seaboard Architectural Terra Cotta and Wall Ashlar*](https://archive.org/details/Sweets1744FederalSeaboardArchitecturalTerraCottaAndWallAshlar/). New York: Federal Seaboard Terra Cotta Corporation, \[1938]. —Only twelve pages, but some fine pictures.
[American Terra Cotta](https://archive.org/details/american-terra-cotta-1940/), \[1940]. A four-page brochure with pictures of two splendid Moderne buildings and drawings of four storefronts.
[Conkling-Armstrong Terra Cotta Co. Tile Wall Units](https://archive.org/details/conkling-armstrong-terra-cotta-1940-a/), \[1940]. Terra cotta for interiors.