Art History

Renaissance antiquaries have their own page.

General Art History.

The Grammar of Ornament. Illustrated by examples from various styles of ornament. By Owen Jones. London: Day and Son [dated by librarian to 1856]. —Beautifully scanned in color.Dictionnaire de l’ameublement et de la décoration depuis le XIIIe siècle jusqu’à nos jours. Par Henry Havard. Paris: Ancienne Maison Quantin, Librairies-Imprimeries Réunies, [1887].

Tome I. A–C.

Tome II. D–H.

Tome III. I–O.

Tome IV. P–Z.

Hennecke’s Art Studies. Fourth edition—revised and enlarged. C. Hennecke Co., Chicago and Milwaukee. [1889.] —A catalogue of models and art supplies, included here because the first third is a series of miscellaneous essays on art history and technique.

Classical Greek and Roman Art.

Das Weib in der antiken Kunst. Von Maximilian Ahrem. Mit 295 Tafeln und Abbildungen. Verlegt bei Eugen Diederichs in Jena 1914. —The largest part is Greek and Roman, but it includes Egyptian, Persian, and others as well.

Arte Pompeiana Monumenti Scelti. Naples: Antonio Niccolini, 1887. —Gorgeous color plates of Pompeian murals, mosaics, and furniture.

Imperatorum Romanorum numismata ex aere mediae et minimae formae descripta & enarrata per Carolum Patinum. Argentinae: apud Simonem Paulli, 1671. —Very fine engravings of coins, sculpture, etc.

Signorum Veterum Icones (Images of Ancient Statues). [Jan de Bisschop, 1672.] —A large collection of excellent engravings.
The same, bound with his Paradigmata Graphices Variorum Artificum, 1672.

Le pitture antiche delle grotte di Roma, e del sepolcro de' Nasonj disegnate, & intagliate alla similitudine degli antichi originali da Pietro Santi Bartoli, e Francesco Bartoli suo figliuolo, descritte, et illustrate da Gio: Pietro Bellori, e Michelangelo Causei dela Chausse, Rome: Gaetano degli Zenobj, 1706.
Another copy.

A Grammar of Greek Art. By Percy Gardner. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1905.

Roman Sculpture from Augustus to Constantine. By Mrs. Arthur Strong (“Eugénie Strong” on the cover). London: Duckworth and Co., 1907.

Venere. Giuseppe Baracconi. Con 43 illustrazioni fuori testo. Torino: Società Tipografico-Editrice Nazionale, [1907].

Medieval European Art.

Collection of Beautiful Miniatures Reproduced in Facsimile from Original Paintings chiefly of the 14th and 15th centuries, the period when the great masters of miniature painting flourished, and whose works are now preserved in the celebrated ecclesiastical and public libraries of Germany and Austria, where they are seen and admired by multitudes. By Lewis Lott. London: John Davis, [1857]. —Fine colored engravings of late-medieval miniatures. Unfortunately the sources are not named.

The Hand Book of Medieval Alphabets and Devices, by Henry Shaw. London: Henry George Bohn, 1856.

African Art.

Antique Works of Art from Benin, collected by Lieutenant-General Pitt Rivers. Printed privately. 1900. —Printed privately, but clearly no expense was spared.

Islamic Art.

Manuel d’art musulman. Paris: Librairie Alphonse Picard et Fils, 1907.

I. L’Architecture, par H. Saladin.

II. Les Arts plastiques et industriels, par Gaston Migeon.

Indian Art.

Indian art has its own page.

Individual Artists.

Descrizzione delle imagini dipinnte da Rafaelle d'Urbino nelle Camere del Palazzo Apostolico Vaticano. Di Gio. Pietro Bellore. Rome: Nella stamparia di Gio. Giacomo Komarek Boëmo, 1695.

A Biographical and Critical Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, from the revival of the art under Cimabue, and the alleged discovery of engraving by Finiguerra, to the present time: with the ciphers, monograms, and marks, used by each engraver; and an ample list of their principal works. Together with two indexes, alphabetical and chronological. To which is prefixed, and introduction, containing a brief account of the painters of antiquity. By Michael Bryan. In two volumes.

Vol. I. A–L; explication of some of the terms used in the art, etc.

Vol. II. M–Z; chronological index.

American Painters: With one hundred and four examples of their work engraved on wood. By G. W. Sheldon. Enlarged edition. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1881.

Illustrated Biographies of Modern Artists. Published under the direction of F.-G. Dumas. Paris: Librairie d’art, [1882].

Les Médaillés du Salon. Texte par Armand Dayot. Paris: Maurice Magnier & Cie, 1886. —Short biographies of the artists honored at the Salon of 1886.

Peintres français contemporains. Par Charles Bigot. Paris: Librairie Hachette et Cie, 1888.