There are separate pages for drawing and photography. See also our page of art-supplies catalogues.
Trattato dell’arte della pittura, scoltura, et architettura, di Gio. Paulo Lomazzo Milanese Pittore. In Milano, Per Paulo Gottardo Pontio, 1584.
Tracte Containing the Artes of curious Paintinge
Carvinge & Building. Written first in
Italian by Jo: Paul Lomatius painter of Milan, and
Englished by R. H. [Richard Haydocke] student in
Physik. [No printer or date, but the dedication is
dated 1598.] —It seems to have been printed at Oxford,
and it is a beautiful book.
Neu künstlichs Modelbuch: Von allerhand artlichen und gerechten Modeln, auff der laden zuwircken. Bei B. Jobin, 1598 [with facsimile title page of 1579 edition]. —An embroidery pattern-book with striking suggestions for scenic embroidery.
Polygraphice: or The arts of drawing, engraving, etching, limning, painting, washing, varnishing, gilding, colouring, dying, beautifying and perfuming. In four books. To which is added a discourse of perspective and chiromancy. The third edition, with many large additions: Adorned with Sculptures: The like never yet extant. London: Printed by Andr. Clark for John Crumpe, 1675. —In addition to chiromancy, you will also find face-painting and hair-coloring and the whole doctrine of perfumes (never published till now).
One Thousand Valuable Secrets, in the Elegant and Useful Arts. First American edition. Philadelphia: Printed for B. Davies and T. Stephens, 1795.
Ladies’ Manual of Art; or, Profit and Pastime. A self teacher in all branches of decorative art, embracing every variety of painting and drawing on china, glass, velvet, canvas, paper and wood. The secret of all glass transparencies, sketching from nature, pastel and crayon drawing, taxidermy, etc. Sold by subscription only. Illustrated. Philadelphia and Chicago: American Mutual Library Association, 1887.
Hennecke’s Art Studies. Fourth edition—revised and enlarged. C. Hennecke Co., Chicago and Milwaukee. [1889.] —A catalogue of plaster models and art supplies, included here because the first third is a series of miscellaneous essays on art history and technique. “Nude Figures, Antinous, Faun, Hercules, etc., will be sent with an adjustable leaf.”