Biographical Reference.

Dictionnaire historique et critique par Monsieur Bayle. Rotterdam: Reinier Leers, 1697.

Tome premier, première partie.—A-B.

Tome premier, seconde partie.—C-G.

Tome second, première partie.—H-O.

Tome second, seconde partie.—P-Z.

Dictionnaire historique et critique par Monsieur Bayle. Troisième édition. —According to this page, this was a pirated edition, but Bayle’s 1702 edition, the second, and the last he edited, does not seem to be easily available on line. This is probably a close duplicate of it. Rodderdam (no publisher stated; according to that same page, it was actually published in Geneva by Fabri et Barrillot), 1715.

Tome premier.—A-D.

Tome second.—E-M.

Tome troisième.—N-Z.

A General Dictionary, Historical and Critical: in which a new and accurate translation of that of the celebrated Mr. Bayle, with the corrections and observations printed in the late edition at Paris, is included; and interspersed with several thousand lives never before published. The whole containing the history of the most illustrious persons of all ages and nations, particularly those of Great Britain and Ireland, distinguished by their rank, actions, learning, and other accomplishments. With reflections on such passages of Mr. Bayle, as seem to favor Scepticism and the Manichee system. By the Reverend Mr. John Peter Bernard, F.R.S., the Reverend Mr. Thomas Birch, M.A. and F.R.S., Mr. John Lockman, and other hands. And the articles relating to Oriental history by George Sale, Gent. London, 1735-1741. —Volume 9 has proved elusive, in spite of diligent searches.

Vol. I.—Aaron to Aneau (Bartholomew).

Vol. II.—Angelis (Domenico de) to Barwick (Peter).

Vol. III.—Basina to Bzovius (Abraham) (at Hathi Trust).

Vol. IV.—Caesalpinus (Andreas) to Edward IV.

Vol. V.—Egerton (Thomas) to Hall (Joseph).

Vol. VI.—Hall (Richard) to Leontium.

Vol. VII.—Leontius to Nymphodorus of Amphipolis.

Vol. VIII.—Obsequens (Julius) to Ryer (Peter).

Vol. IX.

Vol. X.—Villamarini (Isabella) to the index.

Biographia Britannica: or, The lives of the most eminent persons who have flourished in Great Britain and Ireland, from the earliest ages, down to the present times: Collected from the best authorities, both printed and manuscript, and digested in the manner of Mr. Bayle’s Historical and Critical Dictionary. London, 1747-. —This set belonged to John Adams, who always took excellent care of his books.

Vol. I.

Vol. II.

Vol. III.

Vol. IV.

Vol. V.

Vol. VI.

Part I.

Part II (an inferior but quite legible scan; we could not find Adams’ copy).

Biographium Faemineum. The Female Worthies: or, Memoirs of the Most Illustrious Ladies, of All Ages and Nations, who have been eminently distinguished for their learning, genius, virtue, piety, and other excellent endowments, conspicuous in all the various stations and relations of life, public and private. London, 1766. Volume I exists only at Google Books; Volume II exists only at the Internet Archive, though it came originally from Google Books.

Vol. I. (A very poor scan.)

Vol. II.

Female Biography; containing notices of distinguished women, in different nations and ages. By Samuel L. Knapp. Philadelphia: Thomas Wardle, 1843.

Universal Pronouncing Dictionary of Biography and Mythology, by J. Thomas, 1915 (the fourth edition). —This is the book you need when you want the real English pronunciations of foreign names like Haydn (pronounced Hā-dn rather than Hī-dn).

Volume 1

Volume 2