AN ECLECTIC LIBRARY.—Christian History.

Christian History in the Middle Ages.

Original Sources.

The Writings of Saint Francis of Assisi. Newly translated into English with an introduction and notes by Father Paschal Robinson. Philadelphia: Dolphin Press, 1906.

Modern Historians.

Éléments d’archéologie chrétienne. Par le Chanoine Reusens. Deuxième édition, revue et considérablement augmentée. Louvain: se trouve chez l’auteur.

Tome premier, illustré d’une phototypie et de 608 gravures sur bois. 1885. —Architecture classique ; période des catacombes ; periode latino-byzantine ; période romane.

Tome deuxième, illustré d’une phototypie et de 578 gravures sur bois. 1886. Période ogivale ; période de la renaissance.

Le Schisme oriental du XIe siècle. Par Louis Bréhier. Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1899.

Les Albigeois, leurs origines, action de l’eglise au XIIe siècle. Par L’Abbé C. Douais. Paris: Didier et Cie, 1879.

A Dictionary of Miracles, imitative, realistic, and dogmatic. Will illustrations. By E. Cobham Brewer. —This is the Brewer who was also the author of the Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. “It is no part of this book to maintain or to deny the historic truth of the miracles recorded, but simply to reproduce, in a compact and handy form, sufficient data to show a mode of religious thought.…Obviously, it can matter very little whether the authors quoted from are good or bad historians, if the matter to be obtained from them is opinion and not history. An historian has to sift out facts, to pare down exaggerated statements, and discard obvious fables; but the interpreter of public opinion has no such task before him, and the very worst historian may be the best exponent of popular belief.”

L’Inquisition: Étude historique et critique sur le pouvoir coercif de l’église. Par E. Vacandard. Paris: Bloud et Cie., 1907. —Also in English translation below.

The Inquisition: A critical and historical study of the coercive power of he Church. By E. Vacandard. Translated from the Second Edition by Bertrand L. Conway. New York: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1915.
A better scan at
New edition, 1918.

La Philosophie au Moyen Age. Par Étienne Gilson. Paris: Payot & Cie, 1922.

I. De Scot Érigène à S. Bonaventure.

II. De S. Thomas d’Aquin à G. d’Occam.