AN ECLECTIC LIBRARY.—Christian History.

Church Fathers, G.


NPNF: Volume III. Theodoret, Jerome and Gennadius, Rufinus and Jerome.

Gregory the Great.

Morals on the Book of Job. Translated by the Rev. J. Bliss.

Vol. I.
Another copy.
Another copy.

Vol. II.
Another copy.

Vol. III, part I.
Another copy.
Another copy.

Vol. III, part II.
Another copy.

The Commentary on Job (selections). In Early Medieval Theology. Newly translated and edited by George E. McCracken in collaboration with Allen Cabaniss. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1957. —Published without a copyright notice.

The dialogues of S. Gregorie, surnamed the Greate: Pope of Rome: and the first of that name deuided into fower bookes. Wherein he intreateth of the liues, and miracles of the saintes in Italie: and of the eternitie of mens soules. With a shorte treatise of sundry miracles, wrought at the shrines of martyrs: taken out of S. Augustin. Together with a notable miracle wrought by S. Bernard, in confirmation of diuers articles of religion. Translated into our English tongue by P.W. 1608. —“A translation of part 1 of Dialogi. P.W. = Philip Woodward. ‘A shorte relation of diuers miracles’ (a translation of De civitate Dei, book 22, chapter 8) has separate pagination, and dated title page on 2A1.” (Oxford Text Archive.)

The second booke of the dialogues of S. Gregorie the Greate the first pope of that name containing the life and miracles of our Holie father S. Benedict. To which is adioined the fule of the same holie patriarche translated into the Englishe tonge by C.F. priest & monke of the same order. 1638. —Translated by J.C. Fursdon. (Oxford Text Archive.)

Pastoral Care. Translated and annotated by Henry Davis. New York: Newman Press, 1950/1978.

NPNF: Volume XII. Leo the Great, Gregory the Great.

NPNF: Volume XIII. Gregory the Great II, Ephraim Syrus, Aphrahat.

Gregory Nazianzen.

NPNF: Volume VII. Cyril of Jerusalem, Gregory Nazianzen.

Gregory of Nyssa.

NPNF: Volume V. Gregory of Nyssa: Dogmatic Treatises; Select Writings and Letters.

Gregory Thaumaturgus.

Address to Origen. Translated by W. Metcalfe, B.D. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1920.

NPNF: Volume VI. The Fathers of the Third Century. Gregory Thaumaturgus; Dionysius the Great; Sextus Julius Africanus; Anatolius and Minor Writers; Methodius of Olympus; Arnobius.