AN ECLECTIC LIBRARY.—Christian History.

The Counter-Reformation.

Roman Catechism.

Catechismus, ex decreto Concilij Tridentini, ad parochos, Pii Quinti Pont. Max. iussu editus. Romae, in aedibus Populi Romani, apud Paulum Manutium, 1566.—This is the first edition.
Another copy.

The Catechism of the Council of Trent, published by command of Pope Pius the Fifth. Translated into English by the Rev. J. Donovan. Dublin: printed for the translator by W. Folds and Son, 1829.


Theatrum Crudelitatum Haereticorum Nostri Temporis. Antuerpiae. [By Richardus Verstiganus, or Richard Verstigan.] Apud Adrianum Huberti, 1592. —A collection of engravings of the most appalling atrocities committed by Protestants all over Europe.
Another copy.