AN ECLECTIC LIBRARY.—Christian History.

English Renaissance Translations

Of Writings of the Church Fathers

From Early English Books Online

☛Early English Books Online is a huge collection of English printed books from before 1700, transcribed and dedicated to the public domain.

At the University of Michigan.

At Oxford: Phase 1, Phase 2.

The links below lead to the Oxford Text Archive site, where the texts are offered in multiple formats.


Christian offices crystall glasse. In three bookes. First written in Latine, by that famous and renowned Father, Saint Ambrose Bishop of Millane. Whereunto is added his conuiction of Symmachus the Gentile. A worke tending to the advancement of vertue, and of holinesse: and to shew how much the morality of the Gentiles, is exceeded by the doctrine of Christianity. Translated into English by Richard Humfrey. 1637. —Translation of De officiis.


The life of St. Antony originally written in Greek by St. Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria ; faithfully translated out of the Greek by D.S. ; to which the lives of some others of those holy men are intended to be added, out of the best approved authors. 1697.

A treatise made by Athanasius the Great, concerning the vse and vertue of the Psalmes. 1580.


Saint Austins Care for the dead, or his bouke intit'led De cura pro mortuis, translated for the vse of those who ether haue not his volumes, or haue not knowlige in the Latin tungue. 1636.

St. Augustine, Of the citie of God vvith the learned comments of Io. Lod. Viues. Englished by I.H. [John Healey]. 1610.

Saint Augustines Confessions translated: and with some marginall notes illustrated. Wherein, diuers antiquities are explayned; and the marginall notes of a former Popish translation, answered. By William Watts, rector of St. Albanes, Woodstreete. 1631.

The life of S. Augustine. The first part Written by himself in the first ten books of his Confessions faithfully translated. 1660. —“Translated by R.H., i.e. Abraham Woodhead.”

Saint Augustine his Enchiridion to Laurence, or, The chiefe and principall heads of all Christian religion a most profitable booke to all those which desire to haue a most compendious briefe of Augustines doctrine, out of Augustine himselfe, when he was old, being repurged, by the old manuscript, of many faults and vnusuall wordes, wherewith it formerly flowed. 1607.

The judgment of the learned and pious St. Augustine concerning penal lavves against conventicles : and for vnity in religion : deliver'd in his 48th epistle to Vincentius. 1670.

The meditations, soliloquia and manuall of the glorious doctour S. Augustine translated into English. 1655.

The profit of believing. Very usefull both for all those that are not yet resolved what religion they ought to embrace, and for them that desire to know whither their religion be true or no / written by S. Augustine. 1651. —Translation of De utilitate credendi ad Honoratum.


Certaine sermons of Sainte Augustines translated out of Latyn, into Englishe, by Thomas Paynell. 1557.

Twelue sermons of Saynt Augustine, now lately translated into English by Tho. Paynel,

A woorke of the holy bishop S. Augustine concernyng adulterous mariages written by him to Pollentius, diuided into two bookes, very necessary to be knowen of all men and women. 1550. —A translation of De adulterinis coniugiis.


An exhortation of holye Basilius Magnus to hys younge kynsemen styrynge theym to the studie of humaine lernynge that they might thereby be the more apt to attayne to the knowlege of diuine literature / translated oute of Greke into Englyshe by Wyllyam Berker. 1572.


The rule of our most holie father S. Benedict patriarche of monckes is in The second booke of the dialogues of S. Gregorie the Greate the first pope of that name containing the life and miracles of our Holie father S. Benedict. To which is adioined the fule of the same holie patriarche translated into the Englishe tonge by C.F. priest & monke of the same order. 1638. —Translated by J.C. Fursdon.


A godly exhortation made vnto the people of Antioch, by Iohn Chrysostome, sometime arch bishop of Constantinople: touching the patience and suffering affliction, by the examples of Iob, and the three children: and of refraining from swearing. Translated out of Latin into English, by Robert Rowse minister of the word of God. 1597.

The golden book of St. John Chrysostom, concerning the education of children translated out of the Greek by J.E., Esq. [John Evelyn]. 1659.

Saint Chrysostome his Parænesis, or Admonition wherein hee recalls Theodorus the fallen. Or generally an exhortation for desperate sinners. / Translated by the Lord Viscount Grandison prisoner in the Tower. 1654.

Phisicke for the soule verye necessarie to be vsed in the agonie of death, and in those extreme and moste perillous seasons, aswell for those, which are in good health, as those, which are endewed with bodily sicknesse. Translated out of Latine into Englishe, by H. Thorne [Henry Thorne]. 1567. —Translation of De patientia et de consumatione huius sæculi, de secundo advento. See also in the Sermons below, A sermo[n] made by Iohn Chrisostome patriarche of Constantinople, of pacience, of ye end of ye world, and of ye last iudgeme[n]t.

An excellent treatise touching the restoring againe of him that is fallen written by the woorthy man Saint Iohn Chrysostome ... ; turned and put into English, out of an ancient Latine translation, written in velume, by R.W. 1588.

An excellent treatise touching the restoring againe of him that is fallen written by the worthy, Saint Chrysostome to Theodorus a friend of his, who by leud liuing, was fallen from the Gospell; fit to read for reclaiming their hearts which are in like case. Englished (out of an auncient Latin translation, written in velume) by R.W. With an annexed epistle of comfort from one friend to another, wherin the Anabaptists error of desperation is briefly confuted, and the sinne against the holy Ghost plainly declared. 1609.


An homilie of Saint John Chrysostome vpon that saying of Saint Paul, Brethern, I wold not haue you ignorant, what is becom of those that slepe, to the end ye lament not. &c. With also a discourse vpon Job, and Abraham, newely made out of Greke into latin by master Cheke, and englished by Tho. Chaloner. 1544. —A translation of De dormientibus nolo vos ignorare fratres.

A sermon of Saint Chrysostome, wherein besyde that it is furnysshed with heuenly wisedome [and] teachinge, he wonderfully proueth, that no man is hurted but of hym selfe: translated into Englishe by the floure of lerned menne in his tyme, Thomas Lupsette Londoner. 1542. —A translation of Quod nemo laeditur ab alio.

A sermo[n] made by Iohn Chrisostome patriarche of Constantinople, of pacience, of ye end of ye world, and of ye last iudgeme[n]t. Whereunto is added an other homelie made by John Brentius of the vertue of Christes resurrectio[n] tra[n]slated into Englishe by Thomas Sa[m]pson. 1550. —A translation of "De patientia et de consumatione huius sæculi, de secundo adventu", which was translated from Greek to Latin by John Theophilus, i.e. Sébastien Castellion.—Folger Shakespeare Library Catalogue.

Gregory the Great.

The dialogues of S. Gregorie, surnamed the Greate: Pope of Rome: and the first of that name deuided into fower bookes. Wherein he intreateth of the liues, and miracles of the saintes in Italie: and of the eternitie of mens soules. With a shorte treatise of sundry miracles, wrought at the shrines of martyrs: taken out of S. Augustin. Together with a notable miracle wrought by S. Bernard, in confirmation of diuers articles of religion. Translated into our English tongue by P.W. 1608. —“A translation of part 1 of Dialogi. P.W. = Philip Woodward. ‘A shorte relation of diuers miracles’ (a translation of De civitate Dei, book 22, chapter 8) has separate pagination, and dated title page on 2A1.”

The second booke of the dialogues of S. Gregorie the Greate the first pope of that name containing the life and miracles of our Holie father S. Benedict. To which is adioined the fule of the same holie patriarche translated into the Englishe tonge by C.F. priest & monke of the same order. 1638. —Translated by J.C. Fursdon.


Certaine selected epistles of S. Hierome as also the liues of Saint Paul the first hermite, of Saint Hilarion the first monke of Syria, and of S. Malchus: vvritten by the same Saint. Translated into English [by Henry Hawkins]. 1630.

The right deuoute / moche lowable / & recōmendable lyff of the olde Auncyent holy faders hermytes / late translated out of latyn in to fren­she / and dylygently corrected in the cyte of lyon / ye yere of our lord .M.CCCC. lxxxvi. vpon that whiche hath be wryten and also translated out of Greke in to Latyn / by the blessyd & holy saynt Saynt Ierome right deuoute & ap­proued doctour of the chirche / & other solytarye relygyouse persones after hȳ And after in the yere of our lorde .M.CCCC.lxxxxi. reduced in to Englys­she folowyng the copye / alwaye vnder correccyon of doctours of the chirche. 1495.


Tertullians Apology, or, Defence of the Christians against the accusations of the gentiles now made English by H.B. Esq. 1655.

The seconde book of Tertullian vnto his wyf, translated into Englyshe, wherei[n] is co[n]teined most godly cou[n]sel how those that be vnmaryed, may chose vnto them selfes godly companyons, and so to liue quyetly in this world and blessedlye in the worlde to come. 1550.

A true Christian svbject vnder an heathen prince, or, Tertvllians plea for allegiance argued in time of the sixth persecution under the emperour Severvs, Ann. DOM. 204 with a briefe application to the citizens of London / written by a member of the House of Commons. 1643.

Victor of Utica.

The memorable and tragical history, of the persecution in Africke: vnder Gensericke and Hunricke, Arrian kinges of the Vandals. Written in Latin by the blessed Bishop Victor of Vtica, who personallie (as also S. Augustine the famous doctor) endured his part thereof. With a briefe accomplishment of the same history, out of best authors: togither vvith the life and acts of the holy Bishop Fulgentius, and his conflicts vvith the same nation. 1605. —A translation of Historia persecutionum, quas in Aphrica olim circa D. Augustini tempora, Christiani perpessi sub Censerycho et Hunerycho Vandalorum regibus.