The Last Age of the Church. By John Wyclyffe. Now First Printed from a Manuscript in the University Library, Dublin. Edited with notes, by James Henthorn Todd. Dublin: University Press, 1840. —Middle English in blackletter type.
Select English Works of John Wyclif, edited from the original mss. by Thomas Arnold. Oxford.
Vol. I: Sermons on the Gospels for Sundays and Festivals. (1869.)
Vol. II: Sermons on the Festal Gospels and Sunday Epistles. Treatises. (1871.)
Vol. III: Miscellaneous Works. (1871.)
Johannis Wyclif Tractatus de Simonia. Now first edited from the Vienna MSS.536, 1622, 4504, 4515, 3927, 3937, and 1343; from the Prague ms. X. E9. and the Trinity College (Dublin) ms. C. 1. 24. By Dr. Herzberg-Fränkel and Michael Henry Dziewicki. London: Wyclif Society, 1898.
A Catalogue of the Original Works of John Wyclif. By Walter Waddington Shirley. Oxford, 1865.
An Apology for Lollard Doctrines, attributed to Wiclife. Now first printed from a manuscript in the library of Trinitty College, Dublin. With an introduction and notes, by James Henthorn Todd. London: Camden Society, 1842.
Fasciculi Zizaniorum Magistri Johannis Wyclif cum tritico. Ascribed to Thomaas Netter of Walden. Edited by the Rev. Walter Waddington Shirley. London: Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, and Roberts, 1858. —A collection of documents having to do with Wycliffe and the rise of the Lollards.
Histoire du Wiclefianisme. Ou de la Doctrine de Wiclef, Jean Hus, et Jerome de Prague. Avec celle des Guerres de Boheme, qui en ont esté les suites. Lyon: Jen Certe, 1682.
Icones, id est, Verae imagines virorum doctrina simul et pietate illustrium, quorum praecipuè ministerio partim bonarum literarum studia sunt restituta, partim vera religio in variis orbis Christiani regionibus, nostra patrúmque memoria fuit instaurata: additis eorundem vitae & operae descriptionibus, quibus adiectae sunt nonnullae picturae quas emblemata vocant. Genevae, apud Ioannem Laonium. 1580. —Portraits (not particularly good ones) of notable reformers, including both Erasmus and Luther.
Crudelitatum Haereticorum Nostri Temporis.
Antuerpiae. [By Richardus Verstiganus, or Richard
Verstigan.] Apud Adrianum Huberti, 1592. —A collection
of engravings of the most appalling atrocities
committed by Protestants all over Europe.
De vitis, sectis, et dogmatibus omnium haereticorum, qui ab orbe condito, ad nostra vsque tempora et veterum et recentium authorum monimentis proditi sunt, elenchus alphabeticus ... Ex ... ecclesiasticarum rerum scriptoribus, ingenti cum labore carptìm collectus, & velut in vnum corpus ... compactus per Gabrielem Prateolum Marcossium [Gabriel Du Preau]. Coloniae, apud Gervinum Calenium, & haeredes Ioannes Quentel, Anno 1581.
Special and Chosen Sermons of Martin Luther, collected out of his writings and preachings for the necessary instruction and edification of such, as hunger and seeke after the perfect knowledge and inestimable glorie which is in Christ Jesu, to the comfort and salvation of their soules. Englished by W. G. [William Gace]. Imprinted at London by Thomas Vautroullier dwelling in the Blacke Friers by Ludgate. 1578.
The Letters of Martin Luther. Selected and translated by Margaret A. Currie. London: Macmillan and Co., 1908.
Institution of Christian Religion, written in Latine by M. John Calvine, and translated into English according to the Authors last edition, with sundry Tables to finde the principall matters entreated of in this booke, and also the declaration of places of Scripture therein expounded, by Thomas Norton. Whereunto are newly added in the margent of the booke, notes conteyning in briefe the substance of the matter handled in each section. At London: Printed by H. Midleton, for W. Norton. 1587.
The Sermons of M. Iohn Calvin upon the fifth booke of Moses called Deuteronomie: faithfully gathered word for word as preached them in open pulpit ; together with a preface of the ministers of the Church of Geneva, and an admonishment made by deacons there. Translated out of French by Arthur Golding. At London, Prindted by Henry Middleton for Thomas Woodcocke, Anno Domini 1583. —1400 pages in double-column folio, 140 sermons, on Deuteronomy
The Commentaries of M. Iohn Calvin upon the Actes of the Apostles, Faithfully translated out of the Latine into English for the great profit of our countrie-men, by Christopher Fetherstone student in Divinitie. Londini, Impensis G. Bishop. 1585.
A Defence of the true and catholike doctrine of the sacrament of the body and bloud of our sauiour Christ, with a confutation of sundry errors concernyng the same, grounded and stablished upon Godes holy woorde & approved by ye consent of the moste auncient doctors of the churche. Mad by the moste Reverende father in God Thomas [Cranmer] Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all Englande and Metropolitane. [1550.]
De antiquitate Britannicae ecclesiae, et nominatim de priuilegis ecclesiae Cantuariensis, atque de archiepiscopis eiusdem 70. Historia. Antehac non nisi semel, nimirum Londini in aedibus Ioannis Daij anno 1572 excusa: Nunc verò boni publici ergô recognita & recusa. [By Matthew Parker.] Hanoviae: Typis Wechelianis, apud Claud. Marnium & haeredes Ioannis Aubrii. 1605. —Matthew Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury, is a big name in Anglican theology, but his biggest accomplishment was being chaplain to Henry VIII, living through the reigns of Edward and Mary, and dying at the age of seventy in Elizabeth’s reign with his head firmly attached to his neck.
persecutione Anglicana libellus. Quo
explicantur afflictiones, calamitates, cruciatus,
& acerbissima martyria, quae Angli catholici nunc
ob fidem patiuntur. Romae: Ex Typographia Georgij
Ferrarij. 1582. —Credited by the librarian to Robert
Ecclesiae anglicanae trophæa, siue, Sanctorum martyrum, qui pro Christo catholicæque fidei veritate asserenda, antiquo recentiorique persecutionum tempore, mortem in Anglia subierunt, passiones. Romæ in Collegio Anglico per Nicolaum Circinianum depictae, nuper autem Per Io. Bap. de Cavallerijs aenieis typis repraesentatae. 1602. —The title page is dated 1584, but the plate Nocturnae per domos inquisitiones is dated 1602.