AN ECLECTIC LIBRARY.—Christian History.

St. John Chrysostom.

Chrysostom’s Own Writings in English.

Complete Works In French Translation.

Translations from the 16th and 17th Centuries in Early English Books Online.

Biographies and Studies of Chrysostom.

Chrysostom’s Own Writings in English.

See the Chrysostom volumes in the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers.

The Homilies of S. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, from the Library of the Fathers series.

On the Gospel of St. Matthew

Part I.: Hom. I.-XXV.
Part II.: Hom. XXVI.-LVIII.

Part III. Hom. LIX.-XC.

On the Gospel of St. John

Part I.: Hom. I.-XLI.
Another copy.


On the Acts of the Apostles.

Part I. Hom. I.-XXVIII.

On the Epistle of St. Paul the Apostle to the Romans

Another copy.

On the First Epistle of St. Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians

Part I.: Hom. I.-XXIV.
Part II.: Hom. XXV.-XLIV.

On the Second Epistle of St. Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians.

On the Epistle of St. Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews

On the Epistles of St. Paul the Apostle to the Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians

On the Epistles of S. Paul the Apostle to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon.

On the Statues
Another copy.

Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians and Homilies on the Epistle to the Ephesians. Oxford, 1842.

St. Chrysostom on the Priesthood, by the Rev. T. Allen Moxon, M.A. London, 1907.

Four Discourses of Chrysostom. Chiefly on the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. Translated by F. Allen, B.A. London, 1869.

St. John Chrysostom: Baptismal Instructions. Translated and annotated by Paul W. Harkins, Ph.D., LL.D. Westminster (Maryland): The Newman Press, 1963.

Chrysostom and His Message. A selection from the sermons of St. John Chrysostom of Antioch and Constantinople. By Stephen Neill. New York: Association Press, 1963. —This is listed as out of copyright, probably because it was published without a copyright notice. Includes:—

A Sunday Homily (Homily 33 on Matthew)
On the Statues (selections from several homilies)
In Praise of St. Paul (Seventh Panegyric)
The Popular Preacher and His Troubles (short excerpt, Homily 3 on Acts)

St. John Chrysostom on Repentance and Almsgiving. Translated by Gus George Christo. Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1998. —Available in full view at Google Books.

Complete Works In French Translation.

Oeuvres complètes de S. Jean Chrysostome: Traduction nouvelle de M. l’Abbé J. Bareille

The complete works in French translation, including works that have never been translated into English.

Table des matières des 11 volumes des Oeuvres complètes de St Jean Chrysostome, traduites par l'abbé Bareille (1865 - 1873), avec liens vers les volumes indexés, par Albocicade. A table of contents for the whole set.

Vol. I:

Exhortation a Theodore
Sur la vie monastique
Le roi et le moine
Sur la componction
A Stagirius
Des cohabitations suspectes
De la virginite
Du Sacerdoce
Discours lorsque Jean fut ordonne pretre
Contre les anomeens
La divinite du Christ
Contre les Juifs
Sur I'anatheme
Sur les Calendes
Sur Lazare

Vol. II

21 homelies sur les statues
2 catecheses mystagogiques
3 homelies au peuple d'Antioche
9 homelies sur la penitence
La nativite du Sauveur
La Theophanie
La trahison de Judas
Sur le "cimetiere"
Sur la Croix et le bon larron
Sur la resurrection des morts
Contre I'ivresse et sur la resurrection
Sur I'Ascension
Sur la Pentecote
Sur St Paul
St Melece
St Lucien
St Babylas
Sts Juventin et Maximin
Ste Pelagie
St Ignace d'Antioche
St Eusthate
St Romain
Sur les Macchabees
Stes Bernice, Prosdoce et Domnine
Homelies sur les martyrs
Sur la predication
St Julien
St Barlaam
Ste Drosis
Sur les Martyrs egyptiens
St Phocas
Sur tous les martyrs
Sur un tremblement de terre
Sur la trahison de Judas
St Bassus
Sur St Pierre et le st prophete Elie
Sur Abraham
Ste Thecle
5 discours sur la Providence
Sur la priere

Vol. III

La parabole du debiteur insolvable
Homelie sur la Passion
Vivre selon Dieu
Sur le paralytique
4 homelies sur le debut des Actes
4 homelies sur les changements de nom
Sur les tribulations
Sur I'amour de Dieu
Sur le souvenir des injures
Sur Priscille et Aquilas
3 homelies sur le mariage
Sur les propheties
Sur les heresies
Sur I'aumone
3 homelies sur I'esprit de foi
Sur la "folie" de St Paul
Sur l'annonce du Christ
Sur les veuves
Sur Elie et la veuve
Sur le bonheur de la vie future
Contre les medisances et les maledictions
Contre le desespoir
Sur "Je lui resistai en face"
2 homelies sur Eutrope
Sur Saturnin et Aurelien
3 homelies sur Severien
Homelie avant le depart en exil
2 homelies apres le premier exil
Sur la cananeenne
Nul ne peut vous nuire
Sur I'adversite
Lettres a Innocent de Rome
242 lettres de Chrysostome
Lettre a Cesaire
Eloge de Diodore
Homelie sur Paques
Homelie sur I'Ascension

Vol. IV

Homélies sur la Genèse (67 homélies),
Discours sur la Genèse (9 discours),
Discours sur Anne (5 discours),
Homélies sur David et Saül (3 homélies),
Explication des Psaumes (Psaumes 3 – 6)

Vol. V

Explication des Psaumes (Psaumes 7 – 150),
2 homélies sur la richesse,
Sur la Grande semaine,
Spuria sur la pénitence,
Commentaire sur Esaïe,
Homélies sur Ozias,
Sur les maux de la vie,
Sur le libre arbitre,
2 homélies sur le libre arbitre,
Commentaires sur Daniel,
Homélie sur “Le fils ne fait rien de lui-mème”,
Sur Melchisédech,
Sur les jeux et le théâtre,
Sur les derniers temps,
Sur la charité parfaite,
Sur la chasteté,
Sur la mort et la résurrection,
Sur l’Ancien et le Nouveau Testament,
Sur “en vertu de quelle autorité”

Vol. VI

Résumé de l'Ancien Testament,
Sur la naissance du Christ,
Discours de Sévérien sur la Genèse,
Homélie de Sévérien sur le serpent,
Homélies sur St Matthieu (homélies 1 – 70)

Vol. VII

Homélies sur St Mathieu (homélies 71 – 88)
Homélies sur les Actes des apôtres (Homélies 1 – 17)


Homélies sur les Actes des apôtres (Homélies 78 – 55),
Homélies sur l'Epître aux Romains,
Homélies sur la première Epître aux Corinthiens (Homélies 1 – 22)

Vol. IX

Homélies sur la première Epître aux Corinthiens (Homélies 23 à 44),
Homélies sur la deuxième Epître aux Corinthiens,
Homélies sur l'Epître aux Galates,
Homélies sur l'Epître aux Ephésiens,
Homélies sur l'Epître aux Philippiens (homélies 1 à 13)

Vol. X

Homélies sur l'Epître aux Philippiens (homélies 14 et 15),
Homélies sur l'Epître aux Colossiens,
Homélies sur les Epîtres aux Thessaloniciens,
Homélies sur les Epîtres à Timothée,
Homélies sur l'Epître à Tite, Homélies sur l'Epître à Philémon,
Homélies sur l'Epître aux Hébreux,
Dernières homélies (11 homélies sur des sujets divers)

Vol. XI: Table générale et analytique

Translations from the 16th and 17th Centuries in Early English Books Online.

A godly exhortation made vnto the people of Antioch, by Iohn Chrysostome, sometime arch bishop of Constantinople: touching the patience and suffering affliction, by the examples of Iob, and the three children: and of refraining from swearing. Translated out of Latin into English, by Robert Rowse minister of the word of God. 1597.

The golden book of St. John Chrysostom, concerning the education of children translated out of the Greek by J.E., Esq. [John Evelyn]. 1659.

Saint Chrysostome his Parænesis, or Admonition wherein hee recalls Theodorus the fallen. Or generally an exhortation for desperate sinners. / Translated by the Lord Viscount Grandison prisoner in the Tower. 1654.

Phisicke for the soule verye necessarie to be vsed in the agonie of death, and in those extreme and moste perillous seasons, aswell for those, which are in good health, as those, which are endewed with bodily sicknesse. Translated out of Latine into Englishe, by H. Thorne [Henry Thorne]. 1567. —Translation of De patientia et de consumatione huius sæculi, de secundo advento. See also in the Sermons below, A sermon made by Iohn Chrisostome patriarche of Constantinople, of pacience, of ye end of ye world, and of ye last iudgeme[n]t. Whereunto is added an other homelie made by John Brentius of the vertue of Christes resurrectio[n] tra[n]slated into Englishe by Thomas Sa[m]pson. 1550.

An excellent treatise touching the restoring againe of him that is fallen written by the woorthy man Saint Iohn Chrysostome ... ; turned and put into English, out of an ancient Latine translation, written in velume, by R.W. 1588.

An excellent treatise touching the restoring againe of him that is fallen written by the worthy, Saint Chrysostome to Theodorus a friend of his, who by leud liuing, was fallen from the Gospell; fit to read for reclaiming their hearts which are in like case. Englished (out of an auncient Latin translation, written in velume) by R.W. With an annexed epistle of comfort from one friend to another, wherin the Anabaptists error of desperation is briefly confuted, and the sinne against the holy Ghost plainly declared. 1609.


An homilie of Saint John Chrysostome vpon that saying of Saint Paul, Brethern, I wold not haue you ignorant, what is becom of those that slepe, to the end ye lament not. &c. With also a discourse vpon Job, and Abraham, newely made out of Greke into latin by master Cheke, and englished by Tho. Chaloner. 1544. —A translation of De dormientibus nolo vos ignorare fratres.

A sermon of Saint Chrysostome, wherein besyde that it is furnysshed with heuenly wisedome [and] teachinge, he wonderfully proueth, that no man is hurted but of hym selfe: translated into Englishe by the floure of lerned menne in his tyme, Thomas Lupsette Londoner. 1542. —A translation of Quod nemo laeditur ab alio.

A sermon made by Iohn Chrisostome patriarche of Constantinople, of pacience, of ye end of ye world, and of ye last iudgeme[n]t. Whereunto is added an other homelie made by John Brentius of the vertue of Christes resurrectio[n] tra[n]slated into Englishe by Thomas Sa[m]pson. 1550. —A translation of “De patientia et de consumatione huius sæculi, de secundo adventu,” which was translated from Greek to Latin by John Theophilus, i.e. Sébastien Castellion.—Folger Shakespeare Library Catalogue.

Biographies and Studies of Chrysostom.

The Dialogue of Palladius Concerning the Life of Chrysostom. Translated by Herbert Moore. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1921.
At Google Books.

St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople; His Life, Eloquence, and Piety. By W. Jos. Walker. New York: John Kennedy, 1842.

The Life of St. Chrysostom. Translated from the German of Dr. [August] Neander by the Rev. J. C. Stapleton. London: B. B. Seeley and W. Burnside, 1845.

St. Chrysostom’s Picture of His Age. Published under the direction of the Tract Committee. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1875.

St. John Chrysostom: His Life and Times. A sketch of the Church and the Empire in the fourth century. By W. R. W. Stephens. London: John Murray, 1880.