Various texts and translations of the Church Fathers
and related writers not included in other series.
Basil of Caesarea
Catholic Faith: a Sermon by St. Basil,
Translated from the Greek. To Which Is Added a Brief
Refutation of Popery, from the Writings of the
Fathers. By Hugh Stewart Boyd, Esq. London: C. &
J. Rivington, 1825.
The Didache or Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, restored to its original state from various sources, with an introduction, translation, and notes. By Charles H. Hoole, M.A. London, 1894. �The scan is very clear and legible, but strangely resistant to OCR: Google throws up its hands and gives up trying to give us �plain text� for most of the book, and an attempt to send one page through a third-party OCR program produced only gibberish.
The Oldest Church Manual, Called the Teaching of the Twelve Apostles. The Didache and kindred documents in the original, with translations and discussions of post-apostolic teaching, baptism, worship, and discipline, and with illustrations and fac-similes of the Jerusalem Manuscript. By Philip Schaff. Second edition, New York, 1886.
Didascalia Apostolorum
The Didascalia Apostolorum in English. Translated from the Syriac by Margaret Dunlop Gibson M.R.A.S. LL.D. (St. Andrews). London, 1903.
The Ethiopic Didascalia; or, the Ethiopic Version of the Apostolical Constitutions, received in the Church of Abyssinia. With an English translation. Edited and translated by Thomas Pell Plat, Esq., F.A.S. London, 1834.
Liturgy of St. James
The Ancient Liturgy of the Church of Jerusalem, being the Liturgy of St. James, freed from all later additions and interpolations of whatever kind, and so restored to its original purity; by comparing it with the account given of that liturgy by St. Cyril in his fifth Mystagogical Catechism, and with the Clementine Liturgy, &c. With an English translation and notes. London, 1744.
Lettres de s. Jerosme, traduites en fran�ois, sur la nouvelle edition des Peres Benedectins de la Congregation de s. Maur; avec des maximes morales, des notes & des remarques sur les endroits difficiles. Par Dom Guillaume Roussel religieux de la m�me Congregation. Nouvelle �dition. Paris: Ganeau, 1743.
John Chrysostom
St. Chrysostom on the Priesthood, by the Rev. T. Allen Moxon, M.A. London, 1907.
Four Discourses of Chrysostom. Chiefly on the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. Translated by F. Allen, B.A. London, 1869.
The Homilies of S. John Chrysostom on the First Epistle of St. Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians, Translated, with notes and indices. Oxford, 1839.
John of Damascus
St. John Damascene on Holy Images, followed by Three Sermons on the Assumption. Translated from the original Greek by Mary H.Allies.London, 1898.
Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Minucius Felix
The Apologies of Justin Martyr, Tertullian, and Minucius Felix, in Defence of the Christian Religion; with the Commonitory of Vincentius Liriensis, Concerning the Primitive Rule of Faith: translated from their Originals: With notes, for the advantage chiefly of English readers, and a preliminary discourse on each author. Together with a prefatory dissertation about the right use of the Fathers. By William Reeves, M.A., Rector of Craneford, in Middlesex. Second edition, 1716-1717.
Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho the Jew. Translated by Henry Brown. Cambridge, 1846.
Theodoret of Cyrus
Beati Theodoreti Episcopi Cyrensis, Theologi vetustissimi Opera Omnia quae ad hunc diem Latine versa sparsim extiterunt. Cum indice verborum rerumque memorabilium locupletissimo, sub calcem operum addito. Parisiis, Apud Michaelem Sonnium, via Iacobaea, sub scuto Basiliensi. 1608.
Testimonies of the Ante-Nicene Fathers to the Divinity of Christ. By the Reverend Edward Burton, M.A. Oxford, 1826.
Testimonies of the Ante-Nicene Fathers to the Doctrine of the Trinity and of the Divinity of the Holy Ghost. By the Rev. Edward Burton, D.D. Oxford, 1831.
The Fathers, Historians, and Writers of the Church. Literally Translated. Being Extracts from the Works of Sulpicius Severus, Eusebius, Acts of the Apostles, Socrates, Theodoret, Sozomen, Minutius Felix, St. Cyprian, Lactantius, St. Ambrose, St. Augustine, St. Jerome, Tertullian, St. Eucherius, Salivan, St. Bernard, St. Chrysostom, St. Basil the Great, St. Gregory Nazianzen, St. Gregory of Nyssa. Dublin, 1864.
Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho the Jew. Translated by Henry Brown. Cambridge, 1846.
Testimonies of the Ante-Nicene Fathers to the Divinity of Christ. By the Reverend Edward Burton, M.A. Oxford, 1826.
Testimonies of the Ante-Nicene Fathers to the Doctrine of the Trinity and of the Divinity of the Holy Ghost. By the Rev. Edward Burton, D.D. Oxford, 1831.
The Fathers, Historians, and Writers of the Church. Literally Translated. Being Extracts from the Works of Sulpicius Severus, Eusebius, Acts of the Apostles, Socrates, Theodoret, Sozomen, Minutius Felix, St. Cyprian, Lactantius, St. Ambrose, St. Augustine, St. Jerome, Tertullian, St. Eucherius, Salivan, St. Bernard, St. Chrysostom, St. Basil the Great, St. Gregory Nazianzen, St. Gregory of Nyssa. Dublin, 1864.