The Dark Ages,

from roughly the death of Justinian to the accession of Charlemagne.

The Venomous Bede.

Venerabilis Baedae Historiam ecclesiasticam gentis Anglorum, Historiam abbatum, Epistolam ad Ecgberctum, una cum Historia abbatum auctore anonymo. Ad fidem codicum manuscriptorum denuo recognovit commentario tam critico quam historico instruxit Carolus Plummer. Oxonii, 1896.

Tomus Prior, prolegomena et textum continens.

Tomus Posterior, commentarium et indicens continens.

The Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation, translated from the Latin of Venerable Bede. A new edition, revised and corrected. By J. A. Giles. London: James Bohn. 1843.

The Historical Works of the Venerable Beda, translated from the original Latin, with a preface and notes, by the Rev. Joseph Stephenson, M.A. 1853. An alternative to the ubiquitous Giles translation.

The Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation. The Venerable Bede. Translation by John Stevens, revised by Lionel C. Jane. London: J. M. Dent & Sons; New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1910 (reprinted 1939).

Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of the English People. A revised translation with introduction, life, and notes by A. M. Sellar. London: G. Bell and Sons, 1917.

Venerabilis Bedae presbyteri de temporibus sive de sex aetatibus huius seculi liber incipit. P. Victoris De Regionibus Urbis Rome Lebellus Aureus. Impressum Vene. p. Ian. de Tridino alias Tacuino, 1509.


Liber Scintillarum. Opus vener. Bedae Presbyteri, etc. Romae apud Antonium Bladum, 1560. —Apparently misattributed to Bede. In anno 1560 non erat Vicipaedia.

Isidore of Seville.

Auctores Latinae linguae in vnum redacti corpus: Quorum auctorum veterum & neotericorum elenchum sequens pagina docebit. Adiectis notis Dionysii Gothofredi I.C. vna cum indice generali in omnes auctores. S. Gervasii. Excudebat Petrus de la Roviere. 1602. —A huge fat folio that includes the complete Origins or Etymologies of Isidore.
1622 edition of the same, somewhat enlarged.

An Encyclopedist of the Dark Ages: Isidore of Seville, by Ernest Brehaut. New York: Columbia, 1912. —About half the book is long extracts from Isidore's writings.

Paul the Deacon (Paulus Diaconus).

Pauli Historia Langobardorum. In usum scholarum ex Monumentis Germaniae Historicis recusa. [Vide infra.] Hannoverae: Impensis Bibilopolii Hahniani, 1878.

Eutropi Breviarum ab Urbe Condita cum versionibus Graecis et Pauli Landolfique additamentis. Recensuit et adnotavit H. Droysen. Berolini: Apud Weidmannos, 1879. —Part of the series Monumenta Germaniae Historica.
Another copy.

History of the Langobards. By Paul the Deacon. Translated by William Dudley Foulke, LL.D. With explanatory and critical notes, a biography of the autor, and an account of the sources of his history. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1907.
Another copy.
Another copy.