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# Félicien Champsaur.
French novelist, poet, dramatist, and essayist who wrote many volumes with pictures and ornaments by the finest illustrators of his era, though he was not always held in high repute by serious critics. His [French Wikipedia article](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/F%C3%A9licien_Champsaur) is comprehensive.
###### Portrait of Champsaur by Paul Saïn.
[*Entrée de clowns*](https://archive.org/details/entredeclowns00cham). Par Félicien Champsaur. Dessins de Bac, Beauquesne, etc. Paris : Jules Lévy, 1883.
[*Le Massacre*](https://archive.org/details/lemassacre00cham/). Par Félicien Champsaur. Paris : E. Dentu, 1885.
[*Miss América*](https://archive.org/details/missamerica00chamgoog/). Par Félicien Champsaur. Quatrième édition. Paris : Paul Ollendorff, 1885.
[*Le Cœur*](https://archive.org/details/lecoeurf00cham). Par Félicien Champsaur. Paris : Victor-Havard, 1886.
[*Les Bohémiens, ballet lyrique en 4 actes et 9 tableaux*](https://archive.org/details/lesbohmiensbal00cham). Dessins de Jules Chéret, Detouche, Galice, Grévin, Lunel, Louis Morin, Ranet, Van Beers, Rélicien Rops, Willette. Paris : E. Dentu & C^ie^, 1887.
[*Le Défilé*](https://archive.org/details/ledfil00cham). Par Félicien Champsaur. Paris : Victor Havard, 1887.
[*Masques modernes*](https://archive.org/details/masquesmodernes00cham). Par Félicien Champsaur. Paris : E. Dentu, 1889. —Essays, with a frontispiece by Félicien Rops.
[*Pierrot et sa conscience*](https://archive.org/details/pierrotetsaconsc00chamuoft/). Par Félicien Champsaur. Dessins de Corguet. Paris Dentu, 1896.
[*L’Arriviste*](https://archive.org/details/larriviste00cham/). Par Félicien Champsaur. Paris Albin Michel, 1902. —With color portrait of Champsaur by Paul Saïn as the frontispiece.
[*Nuit de fête.*](https://archive.org/details/nuitdeftedessi00cham/) Par Félicien Champsaur. Paris : Offenstadt frères, \[1902].
[*L’Orgie Latine*](https://archive.org/details/lorgielatine00cham/). Par Félicien Champsaur. Illustrations par Auguste Leroux. Paris : Eugène Fasquelle, 1903.
[1918 edition](https://archive.org/details/lorgielatine00cham_0/), on much cheaper paper.
[*Régina Sandri*](https://archive.org/details/reginasandri00cham). Par Félicien Champsaur. Paris : Librairie Charpentier et Fasquelle, 1903.
[*Le Bandeau*](https://archive.org/details/lebandeau00cham/). [Par Félicien Champsaur. Illustré par Raphael Kirchner.] Paris : La Renaissance du livre, 1916. —Missing title page, but well scanned in color. Listed in the “Œuvres du même auteur” in another book as “roman gai, imprimé aux couleurs des Quatre Saisons.” The cover carries a little box with the words, “Pour lire dans les tranchées.” In a preface, the author explains that the book was written and illustrated before the war, and was impossible to publish in 1914; but now, in 1916, the theaters and cafés are full again, and the soldiers in the trenches demand books full of gaiety, which makes us believe in victory. (The emphasis on the illustrations’ having been made before the war may be a very subtle reference to the fact that the illustrator, [Raphael Kircher](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raphael_Kirchner), had left France for the United States as soon as the war broke out.)
[*L’Assassin innombrable*](https://archive.org/details/lassassininnombr00cham). Par Félicien Champsaur. Illustrations de Charles Léandre, Ibels, Bretel, Fabius Lorenzi, Raphael Kirchner, Whidoff. Paris :La Renaissance du Livre, \[1917]. —War propaganda with excellent cartoons and ornaments.
[*L’Orage*](https://archive.org/details/lorageroman00cham/). Par Félicien Champsaur. Paris : Bibliothèque-Charpentier, 1921.