Miscellaneous Medieval.


Fabliaux et contes des poêtes françois des XII, XIII, XIV & XVes siécles, tirés des meilleurs auteurs. Paris: Vincent (Tome I); Amsterdam: Arkstée et Merkus, 1756.

Tome I.

Tome II.

Tome III.

Fabliaux et contes des poètes françois des XI, XII, XIII, XIV et XVe siècles, tirés des meilleurs auteurs; Publiés par Barbazan: Avec un Glossaire pour en faciliter la lecture. Nouvelle édition, augmentée et revue sur les Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Impériale, par M. Méon, employé aux Manuscrits de la même Bibliothèque. Paris: B. Warée oncle, 1808.

Tome I.

Tome II.

Tome III.
Another copy.

Fabilaux inédits tirés du manuscrit de la Bibliothèque du Roi, No. 1830 ou 1239, par A. C. M. Robert, Conservateur de la Bibliothèque Royale de Sainte-Geneviève. Paris: Rignoux et Ce., 1834.

Recueil général et complet des fabliaux des 13e et 14e siecles imprimés ou inédits, publiés d'apres les manuscrits par Anatole de Montaiglon et Gaston Raynaud. Paris: Librairie des Bibliophiles.

Tome premier (1872).

Tome second (1877).

Tome troisième (1878).

Tome quatrième (1880).

Tome cinquième (1883).

Tome sixième et dernier (1890).

Walter Map

De Nugis Curialium. Ed. by M. R. James, 1914.

De Nugis Curialium. Ed. by Thomas Wright, 1901.

Gesta Romanorum.

Gesta Romanorum (Hystorie notabiles atque magis principales collecte ex gestis romanorum et quibusdam aliis notabilibus gestis cum moralizacionibus eorundem). Utrecht: Nicolaus Ketelaer and Gerardus de Leempt, 1474. —Beautiful hand-illuminated incunabulum.

Gesta Romanorum: Entertaining moral stories invented by the monks as a fire-side recreation and commonly applied in their discourses from the pulpit: whence the most celebrated of our own poets and others have extracted their plots. Translated from the Latin with preliminary observations and copious notes by the Rev. Charles Swan. London: George Routledge & Sons, 1905.
High-quality scan at the Internet Archive.

The same, revised and corrected by Wynard Hooper. London: George Bell & Sons, 1891.

A Record of Ancient Histories: Entituled in Latin, Gesta Romanorum. Discoursing of sundry Examples, for the advancement of Vertue, and the abandoning of Vice. Very pleasant in Reading, and profitable in practice. London, 1689. —The Histories are printed in blackletter type, with the Arguments in roman. This is one of the latest blackletter books we have found in English, but seems too early to be a blackletter revival. Google’s OCR is, of course, utterly flummoxed.

The Old English Versions of the Gesta Romanorum: edited for the first time from manuscripts in the British Museum and University Library, Cambridge; with an introduction and notes. By Sir Frederic Madden. London: Printed for the Roxburghe Club, 1838. —The language is Middle English rather than the Anglo-Saxon for which we now reserve the name Old English.

The Early English Versions of the Gesta Romanorum. Formerly edited by Sir Frederic Madden for the Roxburgh Club, and now re-edited from the mss. in British Museum (Harl. 7333 & addit. 9066) and University Library, Cambridge (Kk. 1. 6), with introduction, notes, glossary, &c., by Sidney J. H. Herrtage, B.A. London: Early English Text Society, 1879.