Record Catalogues.

Catalogues from record companies, many of which contain pictures and short biographies of otherwise forgotten musicians.


Brunswick Records 1922.

Brunswick Records 1925.

Brunswick Records Supplemental Catalog for dealer’s use only. December 1926 to August 1927. Exclusive “Light-Ray” Electrical Recording (Musical Photography).

Complete Catalog of Brunswick Popular Records, 1934.

Brunswick Records: A Complete Catalog. 1938.

Columbia (American).

Columbia Records, September 1920.

Columbia Records Supplementary Catalogue 1930.

Columbia Records Supplementary Catalogue 1931.

Columbia (British).

Columbia Records Catalogue, [1916-1917].

Columbia Records Catalogue 1924.


☛Many of the Victor catalogues aim to be encyclopedias of music as well as mere record catalogues.

New Victor Record Catalogue, July, 1909.

Victor Records, January 1912.

Victor Records, November, 1913.

Victor Records, May 1914.

Victor Records. November 1915.

Victor Records, May 1916.

Victor Records, November 1917.

Victor Records, 1921.

Victor Records, 1922.

Victor Records, 1924.

Victor Records, 1925.

Victor Record Catalogue, complete to October 1st, 1926.

Victor Record Catalog, 1929.

Victor Records, [1931]. —No date, but mentions the “long-playing” records of the early 1930s as new on the market, and mentions the year 1931 here: “Continuous improvement in fidelity, sonority and surface-quality can even now be noted almost from month to month, and Victor records have reached such a point in development as to make it reasonable to assume that it will never be necessary to remake records dating from 1931 onward, because of any possible future progress in recording.”

The Victor Book of the Opera. Stories of seventy grand operas with three hundred illustrations & descriptions of seven hundred Victor opera records. Camden: Victor Talking Machine Co., 1912.
Revised edition, 1913. —Now with one hundred operas.

The Victrola Book of the Opera, by Samuel Holland Rous. Stories of the Operas with Illustrations and Descriptions of Victor Opera Records. Camden: Victor Talking Macine Company, 1919.

Vocalion (British).

Vocalion Records, 1924.

Vocalion Records 1926.