#### [AN ECLECTIC LIBRARY](index.html).
Mostly catalogues and brochures from wallpaper makers, many with pictures of decorated rooms. We include products such as “Anaglypta,” which are manufactured three-dimensional relief decorations. We begin with a few general treatments of the subject:
[*Old Time Wall Papers*](https://archive.org/details/oldtimewallpaper00sanb/). An account of the pictorial papers on our forefathers’ walls. With a study of the historical development of wall paper making and decoration. By Kate Sanborn. Greenwich (Ct.): The Literary Collector Press, 1905.
[Another copy](https://archive.org/details/cu31924020532143/), poorly scanned for the most part, but with more intact frontispiece than above.
[*Wallpaper: Its History, Design and Use*](https://archive.org/details/wallpaperitshist00acke/). By Phyllis Ackerman, Ph.D. With frontispiece in color and numerous illustrations from photographs. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1923.
[*A History of English Wallpaper, 1509–1914*](https://archive.org/details/historyofenglish00sugd/). By Alan Victor Sugden and John Ludlam Edmondson. With 70 plates in colour and 190 illustrations in half-tone. London: B. T. Batsford Ltd., 1926.
## Mostly Illustrations of Interiors.
[*Environments*](https://archive.org/details/environmentstode00wpne/). Chicago: W. P. Nelson Company, Mural Decorators, \[1900]. “To decorate the home is to beautify life.”
[*Interiors Showing Wall Paper Manufactured for S. A. Maxwell & Co, Season of 1907*](https://archive.org/details/interiorsshowing00sama/). New York, 1907. —“Did you ever observe that one’s inclinations are to study the wall decorations when they enter a home for the first time? It seems to be the natural thing to do, and if the effect is harmonious it invariably creates a favorable impression of the occupant.” If wall decorations suddenly entered one’s home unannounced, it would indeed be the natural thing to study them at the very least.
[*Book of Illustrations of New Patterns of Paper Hangings for the Season of 1908*](https://archive.org/details/bookofillustrati00mhbi/) manufactured by M. H. Birge & Sons Co., office and works at Buffalo, N. Y., U. S. A. —Illustrated with excellent monochrome photographs.
[*Decorative Wall Papers*](https://archive.org/details/janeway-carpenter-1909/). New Brunswick (N. J.): Janeway & Carpenter, 1909.
[*The Home Beautiful*](https://archive.org/details/homebeautifulfew00artw/). A few decorative suggestions from our 1912 line. Chicago: The Art Wall Paper Mills, 1912.
[*Hints & Suggestions for the Use of James Davis Artistic Paper Hangings*](https://archive.org/details/hintsadvancedsug00jame/). Chicago: James Davis Company, 1913. —“Preserve this book. It will prove its value to you at the most critical moment.”
[*Diamond “P” Wall Papers*](https://archive.org/details/j.-b-pierce-1914). Cleveland: The J. B. Pearce Co., 1914. —Grubby scans that might clean up well.
[*The New Season’s Wall Papers with Special Cretonnes to Match*](https://archive.org/details/TheNewSeasonsWallPapersWithSpecialCretonnesToMatch/). Hobbs Wall Paper Company, 1914 (copyright 1913).
[*Perfect Decorations*](https://archive.org/details/perfectdecoratio00mlun/). Fall styles for Nineteen Fifteen. Rensselaer, N. Y.: M. L. Unger, 1915. —Unger is a house painter primarily, and this book may have been put together by another firm to be distributed by its dealers.
[*The Proper Use of Wall Paper*](https://archive.org/details/properuseofwallp00gran/page/n1/mode/2up). Grant Wall Paper Company, 1915.
[*Wall Papers and Cretonnes*](https://archive.org/details/wallpaperscreton00ggma/). Troy (New York): G. G. Marvin Co., 1915.
[*The Year Book, 1921–1922*](https://archive.org/details/yearbook1921192200stau/). Specially prepared for the assistance of those who sell Staunton Wall Papers. Toronto: Stauntons Limited, 1921.
[*You Can Perform Decorative Miracles in Your Home with Scenic Wallpaper*](https://archive.org/details/AlbertVanLuitAndCo/). Los Angeles: Albert Van Luit & Co.,
## Mostly Patterns.
[Janeway & Carpenter](https://archive.org/details/independentofall00jane/), New Brunswick, New Jersey, Manufacturers of Wall Papers of All Grades. 1884–1885. —“Independent of all Wall Paper Combinations.” “The Colored Lithographic Plates here presented are samples of five Ceiling Decorations. Having the largest machine yet made for printing such decorations, we can print the center-pieces in halves, instead of in quarters, as has been the custom, and with each half will be printed two squares and two ornaments.”
[*Illustrations of the Victorian Series and Other Wall-Papers Manufactured by Jeffrey & Co*](https://archive.org/details/1887VictorianWallpapersJeffreyAndCo/). London, \[1887].
[*Morris Wall-Papers*](https://archive.org/details/MorrisWall-papersByMorrisCompanyLtd/). London: Morris & Company, \[no date]. —Illustrations in black and white.
[*Wall Paper Samples*](https://archive.org/details/wallpapersamples00sear/) from Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chicago, \[1906].
[Anderson Wall Paper & Paint Company](https://archive.org/details/catalogueanderso00ande/), Sioux City, Iowa, \[1910].
[*1917 Home Decorations*](https://archive.org/details/1917HomeDecorationBook/). Black Cat Wall Papers. Chicago and Cincinnati: Star Peerless Wall Paper Mills, 1917.
[*Style Book No. 100*](https://archive.org/details/j.w.gerry1920s/). Sanitas Modern Wall Covering. Boston: J. W. Gerry, \[1920]. —“Wipe Off the Dirt.”
[*House of Decoration*](https://archive.org/details/HouseOfDecorationDavidRocheHalifaxN.s/). Sunworthy Wall Papers, \[1920s].
[*Étoffes imprimées et papiers peints*](https://archive.org/details/toffesimprimeset00mous/). Par Léon Moussinac. Paris : Éditions Albert Lévy, 1924. —An extraordinary collection of patterns by noted artists.
[*“Anaglypta”*](https://archive.org/details/anaglyptawithwhi00unse/). With which is incorporated the best selection in High Relief Designs of “CORDELOVA,” “CAMEOID,” and “SALAMANDER.” Darwen (England): Anaglypta, 1928.
[*Papiers-Tentures*](https://archive.org/details/Papiers-tenturesNouveauts1930/). Nouveautés 1930. Montreal: Dupuis Frères Limitée, 1930.
[*79 Independent Wall Papers*](https://archive.org/details/79IndependentWallPapers/). Pittsburgh: Independent Wall Paper Co., 1931.
[*Papier-Tenture*](https://archive.org/details/Papier-tentureSunworthySemi-rogn/). Montreal: Dupuis Frères Limitée, \[1930s]. « La jouissance que vous procurera votre nouveau papier-tenture compensera au delà de la dépense. »
[*Wallpaper Designs for 1940*](https://archive.org/details/WallpaperDesignsFor1940/). Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company (of Springfield, Illinois). —“Wallpaper makes the Home Walls Smile!”
[*Robinson’s Golden Rule Wallpaper 1951–1952 Styles*](https://archive.org/details/RobinsonsGoldenRuleWallpaper/). Titusville (Pennsylvania): Robinson’s, 1951.
[*Sears 1952 Wallpaper Book*](https://archive.org/details/SearsRobuckAndCompany/). Chicago: Sears, Roebuck and Co., 1952.
[*Wards New Easy Selector Catalog of Fine Wallpapers*](https://archive.org/details/MontgomeryWard/). Montgomery Ward, 1957.