Books that deal with the history of continental Europe, especially from the fall of the Western Empire on. The following have their own pages:

Ancient Greek History.
Ancient Roman History.
Late Roman History
British History.
Byzantine Empire.
French History.
The Age of Exploration.

A History of the Ancient Working People from the earliest known period to the adoption of Christianity by Constantine. By C. Osborne Ward, Translator and Librarian, U. S. Dep’t of Labor. Washington: Press of The Craftsman, 1889.

The Dark Ages. By W. P. Ker. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1911. —The first in the Periods of European Literature series edited by Professor Saintsbury. This is a very engaging guide to the writers of the Dark Ages, and it will send you scurrying off to find many a dusty old volume in the Internet Archive or Google Books.

Chroniques de Espanya fins aci no divulgades: que tracta d’Is Noblese e Inuictissims Reys dels Gots: y gestes de aquells: y dels Contes de Barcelona: e Reys de Arago: ab moltes coses dignes de perpetua memoria. Compilada per lo honorable y discrret mossen Pere Miquel Carbonell: Escriva y Archiver del Rey nostre senyor. e notari publich de Barcelona. Novament imprimida en lany 1547.
Another copy.

Scriptores rerum Germanicarum Johann Michaelis Heineccii, et Johann Georg. Leuckfeldi. Cum variis diplomatibus et indicibus in unum volumen collecti. Francofurti ad Moenum, ex officina Christiani Genschii, anno 1707.

The History of the Ancient Germans; including that of the Cimbri, Suivi, Alemanni, Franks, Saxons, Goths, Vandals, and other ancient northern nations, who overthrew the Roman Empire, and establish'd that of Germany, and most of the kingdoms of Europe. Written originally in High German by Doctor John Jacob Mascou [Johann Jakob Mascov]; now translated into English, by Thomas Lediard, Esq. London and Westminster, 1738. —One would not wish to rely on every fact in this history without consulting better sources (Gibbon or Hodgkin, for example); but it tells the story in a very entertaining way, and the translation is exceptionally elegant.
Vol. 1. To the foundation of the monarchy of the Franks.
A copy of the 1737 edition.

Vol. 2. To the extinction of the Merovingian, and beginning of the Carolingian line.
Another copy.

The Cambridge Medieval History.—Some of the later volumes may still be under copyright.

Vol. I. The Christian Roman Empire ad the Foundation of the Teutonic Kingdoms.
Another copy.

Maps [Volume I].

Vol. II. The Rise of the Saracens and the Foundation of the Western Empire.
Another copy.
Another copy.

Maps Volume II.

Vol. III. Germany and the Western Empire.
Another copy.

Maps Volume III.

Vol. IV. The Eastern Roman Empire (717-1453).
Another copy.

Maps Volume IV.

Vol. V. Contest of Empire and Papacy.
Another copy.

Maps Volume V.

Vol. VI. Victory of the Papacy.
Another copy.

Maps Volume VI.

Vol. VII. Decline of Empire and Papacy.
Another copy.

Maps Volume VII.

Vol VIII. The Close of the Middle Ages.
Another copy.

Maps Volume VIII.

Polonicae historiae corpus, hoc est, Polonicarum rerum latini recentiores & ueteres scriptores, quotquot extant, uno volumine compraehensi omnes, & in aliquot distributi tomos. Ex bibliotheca Ioan. Pistorii Nidani D. Opus omnibus pernecessariam, ad perfectè cognoscendam regionis poloniae, vicinarumque ditionum descriptionem: & ad rerum à polonis per omnes aetates gestarum intelligendam historiam… Basiliae, Per Sebastionum Henricpetri. [1582.] —More than 1300 pages in folio.