☛Maps and Atlases are on a separate page.
☛Ethnography and Anthropology overlaps this subject, and so do Travel and National Character.
Abrahami Ortelij Antuerpiani Thesaurus geographicus. In quo omnium totius terrae regionum, montium, promontoriorum, collium, filvarum, desertorum, insularum…nomina & appelationes veteres, additis magna ex parte etiam recentioribus. Obiter multi in hoc opere auctorum veterum loci corrupti, falsi, dubij, & discrepantes, emendantur, arguuntur, enodantur & conciliantur. Antuerpiae, Ex officina Christophori Plantini, Architypographi Regij. 1587.
Parvum Theatrum Urbium, sive Urbium Praecipuarum Totius Orbis Brevis et Methodica Descriptio. Authore Adriano Romano E. A. Francoforti: Ex officina Typographica Nicolai Bassaei. Anno 1595. —Many small but detailed engravings of European cities.
MIKPO´KOΣMOΣ. A Little Description of the Great World. The sixth Edition. By Peter Heylyn. Oxford: Printed for William Turner, and Robert Allott, 1633. —At more than 800 pages, this stretches the meaning of “little,” though it is still smaller than the terrestrial globe itself.
Les Estats Empires, Royaumes, et Principautez du Monde. Representez par l’ordre, & veritable description des Pays, Mœurs des Peuples, Forces, Richesses, Gouvernemens, Religions, Princes, Magistrats & Soverains qui ont gouverné & gouvernent auioud’huy châque Estat, selon que le tout subsiste à present, apres la mort des Princes, & les changemens qui sont arrivez à l’occasion des guerres dernieres.Illustré de l'institution de toutes les religions.… Auec la noble et celebre origine de tous les ordres militaires & de cheualerie de toute la chrestienté, etc. par le Sier D. T. V. Y. Gentil-homme Ordinaire de la Chambre du Roy. A Geneve, Pour Iean Antoine & Samuel De Tournes, 1665.
Lexicon geographicum; in quo vniversi orbis vrbes, provinciae, regna, maria, & flumina recensentur. Illud primum in lucem edidit Philippus Ferrarius Alexandrinus… Nunc Michael Antonius Baudrand Parisinus… hanc editionem emendavit, illustravit, & dimidia parte auctiorem fecit. Parisiis: Apud Franscum Muguet, 1670.
Histoire naturelle et moralle des Indes, tant Orientalles qu’Occidentalles. Où il est traicté des choses remarquables du ciel, des elemens, metaux, plates & animaux qu sont propres de ce païs. Ensemble des moeurs, ceremonies lois, governements & guerres des mesmes Indiens. Composée en Castillan par Ioseph Acosta, & traduite en François par Robert Regnault Cauxois. Paris: Chez Marc Orry, 1598.
The Universal Gazetteer: or, a description of the several empires, kingdoms, &c., in the known world. Together with an account of the extent, produce, revenue, &c., of the several countries; and of the battles, sieges, and other transactions, that have rendered them remarkable. To which is prefixed, a copious introduction to geography. The whole calculated to explain the occurrences in modern history. Illustrated with seven accurate maps. London, 1760.
Chine d’Athanase Kirchere de la Compagnie
de Jesus, illustrée de plusieurs monuments tant sacrés
que profanes, et de quantité de recherchés de la
nature & de l’art. A quoy on a adjousté de nouveau
les questions curieuses que la Serenissime Grand Duc
de Toscane a fait depuis peu au P. Jean Grubere
touchant ce grand Empire. Avec un Dictionnaire Chinois
& François, lequel est tres-rare, & qui n’a
pas encores paru au jour. Traduit par F. S. Dalquié.
[The China of Athanasius Kircher of the
Society of Jesus, illustrated with many monuments,
sacred as well as profane, and a number of
investigations into nature and art. To which are newly
added the curious questions which the Most Serene Duke
of Tuscany recently put to Fr. Jean Grubere respecting
this great Empire. With a Chinese & French
Dictionary, which is very rare, and which has never
before seen the light of day.] Amsterdam: Jean Jansson
a Waesberge, & les Heritiers d’Elizée Weyerstraet,
1670.—With some striking engravings. One would think
this a rare book, but at least three copies are
present on Google Books, all beautifully scanned.
pars Descriptionis itineris naualis in Indiam
orientalem, earumque rerum quae nauibus
Battauis occurrerunt vna cum particulari enarratione
conditionum, morum, oeconomiae populorum, quos
adnavigarant.… Authore G.M.A.VV.L. [identified by the
librarian as Willem Lodewijcksz]. Amstelrodami: Ex
officini Cornelij Nicolaj, 1598. —Many maps and
engravings, some of them quite imaginative. We have
not found any subsequent parts.
Russorum Moscouitarum et Tartarorum religione,
sacrificiis, nuptiarum ritu, funerum ritu.
E' diuersis scriptoribus, quorum nomina versa pagina
indicat. His in fine quaedam sunt adiecta, de Liuonia
pacisque conditionibus, & pace confecta hoc anno
inter serenissimum regem Poloniae & magnum ducem
Moscouiae. Spirae libera Civitate Veterum Nemetum
excudebat Barnardus D’albinus, Anno 1582.
La guide des chemins de France, revue & augmentee pour la troisieme fois. Les fleuves du royaume de France, aussi augmentez. A Paris, Chez Charles Estienne, imprimeur du Roy, 1553.
Notice de l’ancienne Gaule, tirée des monumens romains. Par. M. d’Anville. Paris: Desaint & Saillant; Durand, 1760. —A geographical dictionary of places in Gaul mentioned in classical literature, with a fine fold-out map of Gallia Antiqua as the frontispiece.
Géographie illustrée de la France et de ses colonies, par Jules Verne. Précédée d'une Etude sur la géographie générale de la France par Théophile Lavallée. Illustrations par Clerget et Riou. Paris: Bibliotheque d’Education, 1868. —A geography of France and her colonies, written by Jules Verne and illustrated with many engravings.
Description nouvelle de la Vile de Paris, et recherche des singularitez les plus remarquables qui se trouvent à present dans cette grande Vile. Cinquième édition augmentée. Paris: Nicholas le Gras, 1706.
Tableau de Paris, by Louis-Sébastien Mercier, 1781. —A lively description of Paris on the eve of the Revolution.
A Gazetteer of the State of Pennsylvania. Part first, contains a general description of the state, its situation and extent, general geological construction, canals, and rail-roads, bridges, revenue, expenditures, public debt, &c. &c. Part second, embraces ample descriptions of its counties, towns, cities, villages, mountains, lakes, rivers, creeks, &c. alphabetically arranged. By Thomas F, Gordon. Philadelphia: T. Belknap, 1832.