Reprints (or occasional originals if we find them) of famous printed illustrations, and historical dissertations.

Iconologia, overo Descrittione di diverse Imagini cavate dall’antichità, & di propria inventione, trovate, & dichiarate da Cesare Ripa. Rome: Lepido Facij, 1603.
Another copy.

Le Imagini Degli Dei degli Antichi, del Signor Vincenzo Cartari Regiano. Venice: Appresso Evangelista Deuchino, & Gio. Battista Pulciani, 1609.
Another copy.

A Treatise on Wood Engraving, Historical and Practical. With upwards of three hundred illustrations, engraved on wood, by John Jackson. London: Charles Knight and Co., 1839.

Early Illustrated Books. A history of the decoration and illustration of books in the 15th and 16th centuries. By Alfred W. Pollard. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trüb ner & Co., Ltd., 1893.

The Dream of Poliphilus. Fac-similes of one hundred and sixty-eight woodcuts in "Poliphili Hypnertomachia," Venice, 1499. With an introductory notice, and descriptions by J. W. Appel, Ph.D., an assistant keeper in the South Kensington Museum. W. Griggs, 1888.