Humor & Satire, P

Squibob, or John Phoenix. “Squibob” (a pseudonym for George Horatio Derby) was one of the most talented American humorists of the nineteenth century, and probably the first significant literary talent produced by the new state of California. Unfortunately he died young, but he left enough work behind him to keep us laughing for another century and a half. He changed his pen name to “John Phoenix” when a much inferior California writer began publishing under the name “Squibob”; we therefore list the original “Squibob” under both P and S.

Phoenixiana; or, Sketches and Burlesques. By John Phoenix. Eleventh edition. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1856.

Poggio Bracciolini.

Pogii Florentini Oratoris Clarissimi Facetiarum liber. Impressum Venetiis anno 1487. [The librarian credits the printing to Antonius de Strata.]

Pogii Florentini Oratoris Clarissimi Facetiarum liber. Impressum Anno 1498. [The librarian credits the printing to Michel Le Noir.]

The Facetiae or Jocose Tales of Poggio. Now first translated into English, with the Latin text. Paris: Isidore Liseux, 1879. —Both volumes are included in this scan.