Literary Discoveries.

Ramblings in an Eclectic Library.

About the Site. | Table of Contents. | The Library. | Dr. Boli.

Félicien Champsaur.

Félicien Champsaur

A page of the novels and other literary effusions of the prolific Félicien Champsaur, whose works were not always appreciated by the critics, but whose books tended to have pictures and ornaments by the best French illustrators of the late nineteenth and eartly twentieth centuries.

May 26, 2024.

Indian Art.

A new page of Indian art includes a miscellany of useful and beautiful books.

November 17, 2023.

Asian Architecture.

We have begun a page on Asian architecture, which right now includes some books on Chinese and Indian architecture. The Chinese section has a few interesting eighteenth-century albums of architecture “in the Chinese taste.”

November 17, 2023.


We have added a collection of newspaper archives, which we expect to grow to much larger dimensions over time. As usual, it is pure whim that dictates our choices among the many newspapers archived on the Web.

Pittsburgh newspapers have their own separate page, which is probably the most complete collection on the Web of freely available archived newspapers from Pittsburgh and the surrounding area.

June 22, 2023.

Older Articles

Table of Contents.