Antiquities of Mexico: comprising fac-similes of ancient Mexican paintings and hieroglyphics, preserved in the Royal Libraries of Paris, Berlin, and Dresden; in the Imperial Library of Vienna; in the Vatican Library; in the Borgian Museum at Rome; in the Library of the Institute at Bologna; and in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. Together with the Monuments of New Spain, by M. Dupaix: with their respective scales of measurement and accompanying descriptions. The whole illustrated by many valuable inedited manuscripts. London: Robert Havell; Colnaghi, Son, & Co.; Henry G. Bohn, 1831-1848.
Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxochitl.
Obras históricas de don Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxochitl. México: Oficina tip. de la Secretaria de Fomento, 1891.
Histoire des Chichimèques ou des anciens rois de Tezcuco, par Don Fernando d’Alva Ixtlilxochitl, traduite sur le manuscrit espagnol. Paris: Arthur Bertrand, 1840.
Cruautés horribles des conquérants du Mexique, et des Indiens qui les aidèrent à soumettre cet empire à la couronne d'Espagne. Mémoire de Don Fernando d’Alva Ixtlilxochitl, Mexico, 1829. Paris: Arthur Bertrand, 1838.