Novels in Translation or in Other Languages.


Mikhail Lermontov.

A Hero of Our Time. By M. Lermontov. Translated from the Russian by Martin Parker. Illustrated by D. Shmarinov. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, [1957].

Pierre Louÿs.

Pierre Louÿs bent the boundaries between genres so thoroughly that it is impossible to sort out what is fiction, what drama, what poetry, and so on. All his works will be found here.

Aphrodite: Moeurs Antiques. Pierre Louÿs. Paris: Societé du Mercure de France, 1896.

Ancient Manners. [Aphrodite.] Complete and integral translation into English. Pierre Louÿs. Illustrated by Ed. Zier. Paris: Privately printed for subscribers only.

Les aventures do roi Pausole. Édition illustrée par Lucien Métivet. Paris: Fasquelle Éditeurs, 1923.

Les chansons de Bilitis. Traduites di Grec. Illustrations d’après les dessins de A. Calbet. Paris: Modern-Bibliothèque, [1895].
Les chansons de Bilitis. Traduites du grec. Paris: Georges Crès et Cie., 1913.

Contes choisis. Paris: Georges Crès et Cie., 1919.

La Femme et le pantin. Roman espagnol. Paris: Société du Mercure de France, 1898.
Édition définitive illustrée. Paris: Charpentier et Fasquelle, 1916.

Woman and Puppet, etc. By Pierre Louÿs. Translated and adapted by G. F. Monkshood. London: Greening & Co., 1908.

Sanguines. Paris: Bibliothèque Charpentier, 1903.

Sybaris. Tragédie en cinq actes. —A manuscript play in extraordinarily neat handwriting, with corrections made by pasting carefully trimmed slips over the corrected text, almost as if it were meant for photographic reproduction. The author is not named, but it is assumed to be Louÿs.