Books that do not easily fit any of our other categories.

Le plaisant ieu dv dodechedron de fortune, non moins recreatif, que subtil & ingenieux. Renouuellé & changé de sa premiere edition. A Lyon, Par Iean Huguetan. 1581. —Attributed by the librarian to “Jean, de Meun, approximately 1240-approximately 1305.” You can make a fortune-telling dodecahedron, and then use this book to find out what it is telling you.

An Historical and Geographical Description of Formosa, an island subject to the Emperor of Japan. Giving an account of the religion, customs, manners, &c. of the inhabitants. Together with a relation of what happen'd to the Author in his travels; particularly his conferences with the Jesuits, and others,in several parts of Europe. Also the history and reasons of his conversion to Christianity, with his objections against it (in defence of paganism) and their answers. To which is prefix'd, a Preface in vindication of himself from the reflections of a Jesuit lately come from China, with an account of what passed between them. By George Psalmanaazaar, a native of the said island, now in London. Illustrated with several cuts. London, 1704. —George Psalmanaazaar, or Psalmanazar, made himself a sensation with this fascinating description of Formosa, which he simply made up, having never been there, though he made some of the most reputable men in London believe he was a native of the place. This is one of the most famous literary frauds of all time.

Proofs of a Conspiracy Against All the Religions and Governments of Europe, carried on in the secret meetings of Free Masons, Illuminati, and Reading Societies. Collected from good authorities, by John Robinson. The third edition. Philadelphia: T. Dobson and W. Corbet, 1798.

The Flowers Personified: being a translation of Grandville's "Les Fleurs Animées." By N. Cleaveland, Esq. Illustrated with steel engravings, beautifully colored. New York: R. Martin, 1849.

Histoire des jouets. Ouvrage contenant 250 illustrations dans le texte et 100 gravures hors texte, dont 50 planches coloriées à l’aquarelle. Par Henry René d’Allemagne. Paris: Librairie Hachette & Cie, [1902].

The Motto Book, being a Catalogue of Epigrams by Fra Elbertus. East Aurora: The Roycrofters, 1909. —A catalog of beautifully designed and printed mottoes, humorous or profound or both, in Elbert Hubbard’s trademark verbal and visual style.