Jan 1st 1833. Tuesday Eve. Commenced the study of
Hebrew with Mr Seixas to day. Preached this evening on
the subject of Fasting. Gave my people strong meat.
Dont know how it will set. Tuesday Eve ✝ meetings
generally not fully attended. Wife still sick. As
this is the beginning of another year I would record
the solemn purposes of my soul.
Resolved—1. that as a whole I will strive continually
to be more devoted & to carry more of a savor of
piety into the various duties of my office.
Resolved—2. that I will make it a point to rise as
early as 6 the year round.
Resolved—3. that I will make it a point to economize
my time to the best possible advantage & to this
end will aim to do every thing at its proper time
& in the shortest time possible.
Resolved—4. that I will, when circumstances admit,
pray 3 times each day—morning, noon, & night.
Resolved—5. that I will make it a point to converse
with some impenitent sinner each day in the year.