MY WIFE Nancy has eloped my bed and board without any just cause, I therefore forewarn all people from harbouring or crediting her on my account as I am determined to pay no debts contracted by her.
March 21, 1810.
AS HUGH M‘NARY has forewarned all persons from crediting or harbouring me on his account, I therefore, forewarn all persons from purchasing his property, as I am determined never to relinquish my right during life, and if he had treated me even with humanity, and not have put me under the authority of his daughters, who, for nearly two years past have called themselves my mistresses, and who have acted in every respect as such, or rather as tyrants over me; I say if this had not been the case, which I can fully prove, I never should have left his house.
Lexington, April 2, 1810.