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House Plans and Domestic Architecture.

Devenny’s Houses. McKeesport (Pennsylvania): Daily News Publishing Company, [1900]. —Exterior renderings and floor plans of 51 houses designed by his “supervising architect” for developer James L. Devenny, to be built on his land in East McKeesport or New Wilmerding, or anywhere you care to build them.

Artistic Homes by Herbert C. Chivers, architect, 1905.

Keith’s Architectural Studies: Modern American Homes. The Keith Co., Architects, Minneapolis, 1905.

Central’s Book of Homes, by the Central Lumber Company of Reading, Pennsylvania, 1920. —Many illustrations in color of homes in all popular styles.

Ready Cut Homes Manufactured by the Tumwater Lumber Mills Company, Tumwater, Wash. Catalogue Number Three, 1922. —Mostly Craftsman-style homes, very fashionable in 1922.

Pennsylvania Homes. A select collection of practical designs for moderately priced homes. Pittsburgh: Retail Lumber Dealers’ Association of Pennsylvania, 1922. —Filled with illustrations and plans of houses, duplexes, &c., mostly named after places in western Pennsylvania—“The East Liberty,” “The Etna,” “The Brownsville,” and so on.

Pennsylvania Homes. A select collection of practical designs for moderately priced homes. Fifth edition. Pittsburgh: Retail Lumber Dealers’ Association of Pennsylvania, 1926. —Much enlarged from the previous edition above.

Your Home of Burned Clay Masonry. Washington: Structural Clay Products Institute, 1937.

Architectural Elements, Furnishings, &c.

Architectural terra cotta has its own page.

Histoire du luminaire depuis l’époque romaine jusqu’au XIXe siècle. Par Henry-René d’Allemagne. Paris: Alphonse Picard, 1891. A huge folio with hundreds of illustrations of lighting fixtures from Roman times to the present, the present being 1891.

La serrurerie ancienne a l’Exposition universelle de 1900. Par Henry-René d’Allemagne. Saint-Cloud: imprimerie Belin Frères, 1902.

White City Salesman. John A. Gauger & Co., Chicago, USA, 1902. —A catalogue of architectural ornaments in use at the beginning of the twentieth century, from moldings to stair rails to Greek Erechtheum columns. Useful in understanding how houses of the era were put together.

Paine’s Furniture Company catalogue of wood mantels, 1892.

Craftsman Furniture Made by Gustav Stickley at the Craftsman Workshops, Eastwood, N. Y. January, 1909.