See also our pages on the Ancient Near East and Sources for Hebrew and Jewish History.
For the Holy Land, the Palestine Pilgrims’ Text Society editions have their own page. See also our page on the Crusades.
Annales sultanorum Othmanidarum a Turcis sua lingua scripti Hieronymi Beck a Leopoldstorf, Marci fil. studio & diligentia Constantinopoli aduecti 1551, diuo Ferdinando Caes. opt. max D. D. iussuque Caes. a Ioanne Gaudier dicto Spiegel, interprete Turcico Germanice translati. Ioannes Leunclauius nobilis Angriuarius, Latine redditos illustravit & auxit, usque ad annum 1588. Francofurdi: Apud Andreae Wecheli heredes, Claudium Marnium & Ioannem Aubrium, 1588.
Annals of the Turkish Empire, from 1591 to 1659 of the Christian Era. By Naima. Translated from the Turkish by Charles Fraser. London: Oriental Translation Fund, 1832.
Armenia has its own page.
Edessa has its own page.
Customs and Manners of the Women of Persia, and Their Domestic Superstitions. Translated from the original Persian manuscript, by James Atkinson, Esq., of the honourable East-India Company’s medical service. London: Oriental Translation Fund, 1832.
of the Early Kings of Persia, from
Kaiomars, the first of the Peshdadian dynasty, to the
conquest of Iran by Alexander the Great. Translated
from the original persian of Mirkhond, entitled the
Rauzat-us-safa, with notes and illustrations, by David
Shea, of the Oriental Department in the Hon.
East-India Company’s college. London: Oriental
Translation Fund, 1832.
The History of Hydur Naik, otherwise styled Shums ul Moolk, Ameer ud Dowla, nawaub Hydur Ali khan bahadoor, Hydur Jung ; nawaub of the Karnatie Balaghaut: written by Meer Hussein Ali Khan, Kirmani. Translated from an original Persian manuscript, in the library of Her Most Gracious Majesty. By Colonel W. Miles, of the Hon. East India Company’s service. London: Oriental Translation Fund, 1842.
On Yuan Chwang’s Travels in India, 629–645 A.D. By Thomas Watters, M.R.A.S. Edited, after his death, by T. W. Rhys Davids and S. W. Bushnell. London: Royal Asiatic Society, 1904.
The Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri, or Memoirs of Jahangir, from the first to the twelfth year of his reign. Translated by Alexander Rogers. Edited by Henry Beveridge. London: Royal Asiatic Society, 1909.
The Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri, or Memoirs of Jahangir, from the thirteenth tot he beginning of the nineteenth year of his reign. Translated by Alexander Rogers. Edited by Henry Beveridge. Second volume. London: Royal Asiatic Society, 1914.
India in the Fifteenth Century. Being a collection of narratives of voyages to India, in the century preceding the Portuguese discovery of the Cape of Good Hope; from Latin, Persian, Russian, and Italian sources, now first translated into English. Edited, with an introduction, by R. H. Major. London: Hakluyt Society, 1857.
Tohfut-il-Mujahideen, an historical work in the Arabic language. Translated into English by Lieut. M. J. Rowlandson. London: Oriental Translation Fund, 1833. —A history of the Portuguese arrival in India as told by their Muslim enemies.
The History of That Great and Renowned Monarchy of China. Wherein all the particular provinces are accurately described: as also the dispositions, manners, learning, lawes, militia, government, and religion of the people. Together with the traffick and commodities of that countrey. Lately written in Italian by F. Alvarez Semedo [Álvaro de Semedo], a Portughess, after he had resided twenty two years at the Court, and other famous cities of that kingdom. Now put into English by a person of quality, and illustrated with several Mapps and Figures, to satisfie the curious, and advance the Trade of Great Brittain. To which is added the History of the late invasion, and conquest of that flourishing kingdom by the Tartars. With an exact account of the other affairs of China, till these present times. London: Printed by E. Tyler for Iohn Crook, 1655.
History of the Pirates Who Infested the China Sea, from 1807 to 1810. Translated from the Chinese original, with notes and illustrations, by Charles Fried. Neumann. London: Oriental Translation Fund, 1831.
Nipon o daï itsi ran, ou Annales des empereurs de Japon, traduites par M. Isaac Titsingh. Ouvrage revu, complété et corrigé sur l’original japonais-chinois, accompagné de notes, et précédé d’un aperçu de l’histoire mythologique du Japon, par M. J. Klaproth. Paris: Oriental Translation Fund, 1834. —Translated into French and printed in Paris, but funded by a British organization and sold in London, with an English dedication to the Earl of Munster.