AN ECLECTIC LIBRARY.—Christian History.

Church Fathers, A.

Ahudemmeh, or Ahoudemmeh.

Patrologia orientalis Tomus tertius (1909). I.—F. NAU. - Histoires d’Ahoudemmeh et de Marouta, métropolitains jacobites de Tagrit et de l’Orient; Traité d’Ahoudemmeh sur l’homme.

Alexander of Alexandria.

Epistles on the Arian Heresy and the Deposition of Arius, in ANF Volume VI. The Fathers of the Third Century. Gregory Thaumaturgus; Dionysius the Great; Sextus Julius Africanus; Anatolius and Minor Writers; Methodius of Olympus; Arnobius.

Alexander of Cappadocia.

Extracts from epistles in ANF Volume VI. The Fathers of the Third Century. Gregory Thaumaturgus; Dionysius the Great; Sextus Julius Africanus; Anatolius and Minor Writers; Methodius of Olympus; Arnobius.

Alexander of Lycopolis.

Of the Manicheans, in ANF Volume VI. The Fathers of the Third Century. Gregory Thaumaturgus; Dionysius the Great; Sextus Julius Africanus; Anatolius and Minor Writers; Methodius of Olympus; Arnobius.


Letters of St. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan. Translated, with notes and indices. Oxford: James Parker and Co., 1881.

Christian offices crystall glasse. In three bookes. First written in Latine, by that famous and renowned Father, Saint Ambrose Bishop of Millane. Whereunto is added his conuiction of Symmachus the Gentile. A worke tending to the advancement of vertue, and of holinesse: and to shew how much the morality of the Gentiles, is exceeded by the doctrine of Christianity. Translated into English by Richard Humfrey. 1637. —Translation of De officiis. (Oxford Text Archive.)

St. Ambrose On the Mysteries and the Treatise on the Sacraments by an Unknown Author. Translated by T. Thompson, B.D. Edited with introduction & notes by J. H. Srawley, D.D. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1919.

Spicilegium Syriacum, Containing Remains of Bardesan, Meliton, Ambrose, and Mara bar Serapion. Translated by the Rev. William Cureton. London: Rivingtons, 1855.

NPNF: Volume X. Ambrose: Select Works and Letters. On the Duties of the Clergy. On the Holy Spirit. On the Decease of His Brother Saytrus. Exposition of the Christian Faith. On the Mysteries. Concerning Repentance. Concerning Virgins. Concerning Widows. Selections from the Letters of St. Ambrose. Memorial of Symmachus, Prefect of the City. Sermon Against Auxentius on the Giving Up of the Basilicas.

Antoninus Martyr.

Of the Holy Places Visited by Antoninus Martyr. (Circ. 560–570 A.D.) Translated by Aubrey Stewart, M.A., and annotated by Col. Sir C. W. Wilson, R.E. London, 1896. (Palestine Pilgrims’ Text Society.)


Aphrahat Demonstrations I. Translated from Syriac and introduced by Kuriakose Valavanolickal. Kottayam (India): St. Ephrem Ecumenical Research Institute, 2005.

Aphrahat Demonstrations II. Translated from Syriac and introduced by Kuriakose Valavanolickal. Kottayam (India): St. Ephrem Ecumenical Research Institute, 2005.

NPNF: Volume XIII. Gregory the Great II, Ephraim Syrus, Aphrahat.

Apocrypha (New Testament).

Apocryphal Scriptures have their own page.

ANCL: XVI. Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, and Revelations.

ANF: Volume VIII. Fathers of the Third and Fourth Centuries. Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs, The Clementia, Memoirs of Edessa and Syriac Documents, Remains of the First Ages, Decretals, Apocrypha, Gospel of Thomas, Pseudo-Clementine Literature, Recognitions of Clement, Clementine Homilies, Epistle of Peter to James.

Apostolic Fathers.

The Apostolic Fathers have their own page.

ANCL: I. The Apostolic Fathers.

ANF: Volume I. Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus. Apostolic Fathers: Clement, Ignatius, Polycarp, Barnabas, Hermas, Epistle to Diognetus, Papias, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus.


ANCL: XX. The Writings of Gregory Thaumaturgus, Dionysius of Alexandria, and Archelaus.


ANF: Volume IX. Recently Discovered Additions to Early Christian Literature. Commentaries of Origen, The Gospel of Peter, The Diatessaron of Tatian, The Apocalypse of Peter, The Visio Pauli, The Apocalypses of the Virgin and Sedrach, The Testament of Abraham, The Acts of Xanthippe and Polyxena, The Narrative of Zosimus, The Apology of Aristides, The Epistles of Clement (Complete Text), Origen’s Commentary on John, Books I-X, Origen’s Commentary on Mathew, Books I, II, and X-XIV.


The Case Against the Pagans. Newly translated and annotated by George E. McCracken.

Volume One: Introduction, Books One–Three.

Volume Two: Books Four–Seven.

ANCL: XIX. The Seven Books of Arnobius Adversus Gentes.


Ancient Sermons for Modern Times. By Asterius, Bishop of Amasia circa 375–405, A.D. Put into English from the Greek by Galusha Anderson and Edgar Johnson Goodspeed. New York, Boston, and Chicago: The Pilgrim Press, 1904.

ANF: Volume VII. Fathers of the Third and Fourth Centuries. Lactantius, Venantius, Asterius, Victorinus of Pettau, Dionysius of Corinth, Apostolic Constitutions, Homily, Liturgies, Liturgy of St James.


Athanasius has his own page.


ANCL: II. Justin Martyr and Athenagoras.


St. Augustine has his own page.


Ausonius, with an English translation by Hugh G. Evelyn White. Loeb edition.

Vol. I (1919).
Better scan at the Internet Archive.

Vol. II, with the Eucharisticus of Paulinus Pellaeus (1921).
Better scan at the Internet Archive.

More of Ausonius in Classical Authors, A.